The Blue Ogre Group

can i go to anyones town, i have my friend code in my signature and i swear i dont spread hacks :)
Sarah! said:
Yay! So finally Jami & I have decided on our new members. :)

1. MasterM64
2. cryindarkness
3. Knightlordco
4. tazaza
5. XArceus
6. Darkbunny

Congratulations. :)
Sorry to the people who have not been accepted, but look out for when we start accepting new members again! ;D

If you have any questions or concerns, please PM Sarah! or cornman64.

Thanks, Sarah!
I was in but it werent that lonh ago so that probably why you can't remember.
Roblox-You're in
Jason-I know he may have, but now we're starting over so I'd appreciate it if you filled a form before I let you in :)
Anyone else interested in signing up? I'm thinking of hosting a Halloween Party tomorrow maybe, anyone wanna come to that?

What: Halloween Party
When: Sunday November 1, 2:00 P.M. Central Time
Why: Halloween, of course
What to bring: A costume and tools
1. Jami
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
cornman64 said:
Anyone else interested in signing up? I'm thinking of hosting a Halloween Party tomorrow maybe, anyone wanna come to that?

What: Halloween Party
When: Sunday November 1, 2:00 P.M. Central Time
Why: Halloween, of course
What to bring: A costume and tools
1. Jami
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
Can I come :) ?
@Blue_Alain: If you join, you can. Could you fill out a form?
@Tazaza and KLC (I hope you don't mind me calling you that): I'll put you on the list ;)
Sorry for double post, but I'm going to postpone the party to tomorrow at 4:30 Central time.
Triple post, I'm very sorry D: But I have some updates. First of all, Sarah! is going to rejoin as our co-leader. We can finally sort out the entries and get new members. The Halloween party completely failed, but I was thinking of having an event sometime this weekend for TBT's 5th birthday. I was thinking we could work on the movie screenshot contest :D Sign up now :)
Box-monkey-could you fill out a form first?
Also, the party today is filled up. See you guys at 5:30 CST!