The Blue Ogre Group

Okay, I am now the official leader of the BOG and DirtyD's the co-owner. There will be a meeting tonight. Same people as last night should have been. I will make the new group start and hope this works!
Can i be in the group? (wondering XD.). If there are any spots left? If not its okay. =D.
Feel free to take the pictures from the old thread and post them in the first post in a spoiler. I hope this works, and I also hope that I can become more active again when things settle down a little bit here. Long live the oldest and of course best group here on TBT =)
cornman64 said:
Okay, I am now the official leader of the BOG and DirtyD's the co-owner. There will be a meeting tonight. Same people as last night should have been. I will make the new group start and hope this works!
Good luck, Jami. =D
Also... What time for teh meeting?
I would also like to say that if anyone should get into the group, it should be Knight, he was accepted awhile back but was unable to be active at the time. Just my 2 cents lol
DirtyD said:
I would also like to say that if anyone should get into the group, it should be Knight, he was accepted awhile back but was unable to be active at the time. Just my 2 cents lol
are u still gonna host a few events?
Yes I will host as many events as possible. I have just had one heck of a time with things the last couple of weeks.
It will still be a group decision, it usually has been. And we still will only accept members who are not in other groups, as we are an exclusive group. We might come up with a new way to accept members so it is always a group decision.
no because I want the decision to be up to BOG members, not to anyone who can read and vote
Pm all the members and let them decide. Tally up the votes and decide who gets in and who gets out. As 1 person gets in keep repeating until you get full members. =D. Thats what i thought
That was one possibility I was thinking. It would keep it private on who is voting what.
People in that list will be considered only if they quit any groups they are apart of if they are accepted.