Hey guys.
Sorry I haven't been active in this group, or even on The Bell Tree very much. I've had a rough couple of weeks, and I still have a couple more ahead of me. You see, I have this disease (I've had it since i was 8), and don't ask what it is, cause I don't feel like explaining it. But it's pretty much a problem with my digestive system. So anyways, I've been sick since around December 22nd, and I'm not getting better. For me, when I get a cold, I'm VERY sick for a week or two, and I got H1N1 in November and was away from school for a month. :/
Around December 22nd I got a bug, probably just the 24 hour flu, but you see, when i get sick, i pretty much either can't get rid of it, or it takes me a long time to. I pretty much can't get rid of germs, and I get them VERY easily. So anyways, since December 22nd, i've been more sick then you could imagine. I've lost 20 pounds, and I can't gain them back, so anyways, I'm just at home waiting for the hospital to call with an available bed. They sent me back home because I'm not quite an emergency case and it would be last resort ending up in the ER. The doctors don't even want me in there because seeing as i get germs very easily, who knows what else I'd catch while in there. So anyway, I need to spend about a week in the hospital with a feeding tube, and then I need surgery (once again, don't ask what it is cause I won't tell you.) But before I can have surgery, I need to gain weight, thus the feeding tube. So anyways, sorry I'm so inactive here. >.<