The Blue Ogre Group

MatiMaster said:
btw,how long does it usually take for members to accept other ppl into their group?
It really depends. for me... a week or two. And also depends on how active you are, respecting other ppl the amount of ppl in the group already. Soo there's no exact time really
im not in BOG (not yet anyway) but i think Sarah! should be co-co-leader. she seems active and nice, although their are also other people that qualify to be a co-co-leader.
Caleb said:
im not in BOG (not yet anyway) but i think Sarah! should be co-co-leader. she seems active and nice, although their are also other people that qualify to be a co-co-leader.
I agree! Along with many other members (of course) Sarah is the most helpful, fun to play with on ACCF and a very active TBT member! I think she should be Co-Co leader!
She's going to PM me a entry thing, but I'm leaning toward her. Also, Darkbunny will be official recorder and organizer. No more positions :)
Well, I was hoping someone else could host it... If it's not tonight it WILL be tomorrow night.
I decided I wanna host, but my mom's really mad I was on all day ( Mostly playing with Chris. :p ) So Im not allowed on... I wont even be able to make it if someone else hosts. :'( :mad:
Sarah! said:
I decided I wanna host, but my mom's really mad I was on all day ( playing with Chris. :p ) So Im not allowed on... I wont even be able to make it if someone else hosts. :'( :mad:
Oh. Sorry about that... :p
Quote: In the epona group i said I might be in . i'll go think meaning im not entirely sure. And im not in xP.