The Campsite could've been better

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I hate to grind any game. When somthing becomes tedious I give up. I dont have the patience to play a game with in a game that sucks the life out of me, when I got this game to relax. I'm also angry about the diving and catching of fast fish/bottom dwellers.
I hate to grind any game. When somthing becomes tedious I give up. I dont have the patience to play a game with in a game that sucks the life out of me, when I got this game to relax. I'm also angry about the diving and catching of fast fish/bottom dwellers.
And people say Animal Crossing is "relaxing" I find that hard to believe.
I hate to grind any game. When somthing becomes tedious I give up. I dont have the patience to play a game with in a game that sucks the life out of me, when I got this game to relax. I'm also angry about the diving and catching of fast fish/bottom dwellers.
I do find grinding for turn-based rpg games and such kinda relaxing, since I tend to not have to do much in terms of work for. so they end up typically being done alongside something else. games that require (near) full concentration for grinding though, such as animal crossing, tend to just cause me to get impatient, annoyed, and exhausted after a certain point
I do find grinding for turn-based rpg games and such kinda relaxing, since I tend to not have to do much in terms of work for. so they end up typically being done alongside something else. games that require (near) full concentration for grinding though, such as animal crossing, tend to just cause me to get impatient, annoyed, and exhausted after a certain point
I remember spending 2 hours trying to invite Cherry to move in after I've been searching for her for so long. Then after losing the game like 50 times and like idk like 100 attempts of her saying my favorite villagers she finally picks the one villager I did not want which was Chops. So I felt so much better after that long painful process of a Campsite mini game.
I've kind of given up with trying to find my dreamies via camping, so I've mostly turned to island hopping for that. But I do wish there was a way to customize the camp site somehow to fit our respective town themes or demolish it if we aren't using it.
It would be a lot better if the visitors were just more... common. Longest streak without one I've had so far is like 17 days.
I just wish it turned into an igloo during the winter, like past games

tent in winter just looks bad and wrong

yes I miss the igloo...though I am glad that the campsite tent color is now a neutral beige color rather than the bright orange one in NL lol
Having worked hard to earn your villager could make it all the more worthwhile right? Or perhaps more infuriating for some since it's only a game? 😅
I don't know about anyone else but I didn't feel like it was worthwhile when I got Ankha, I felt like I just wasted half an hour mashing a button 😂 There's a difference between working towards something like creating your island, and hitting buttons a million times hoping to get lucky. That's wasting time, not working for something! I recall saying in my own rant post that I didn't even want to look at Ankha after that lol.

If I was gonna be honest I think they did it this way so we'd buy the Amiibos. I wouldn't be so surprised at this point!
My biggest annoyance is when you can invite them and then they decide they don't want to. I've had more than one villager do that multiple times in a row and I was like, forget about it. HUGE time waster. There is no reason for that to be in there. Not when you have card games that can decline a move in.
New leaf campsite mechanics were definitely more appealing. I don’t like that platform and the red/yellow flags when there’s no camper.

I'm also not a huge fan of the campsite design. Kinda wish there would be options to change the look of it.

I reeaaalllyyy hope they let us customize buildings in future updates. I’d love to make the tent an RV. We can’t even customize RS and they’re all the same color in NH.
Reese and Cyrus need to come back with a new construction business.
Honestly, I can't complain. I don't mind the challenge of gambling until a villager will move in. The Amiibo villagers taking three days to convince was originally a hassle, but I never moved them into open plots because I was often replacing someone.
I miss the Igloo you get when it's snowing too, I'm not sure why they removed it...
And yeah, the games are terrible, it's just card games. Even rock paper scissors would've been cool like in NL and (I think) GC.
I miss the igloos too! This is probably the thing I am most sad about concerning the campsite.

I actually don't mind the card game in ACNH too much, but maybe this is because I have only invited one villager from my campsite ever. But even so, I can appreciate some sort of struggle/grinding in a game because it makes the outcome feel more satisfying and gives you a sense of accomplishment. I worry about future AC updates/games that make things "too easy" because its less motivating to me.
I wish occasionally villagers visiting the campsite could get out of the tent and move around. Like, I have a whole area set up near the campsite that only my residents ever use.
I wish there were other games. It was this difficult in New Leaf too; and the downside with New Leaf was if you already had 10, the current camper couldn't kick anybody out. That meant it was tough luck for ya if it was someone you had been looking for. But, they really could have added more minigames to the campsite to make it at least a little more bearable to exit and go back into the game.
I don't like the campsite for random villagers... the one time I tried to get the villager to move in, they picked one of my best villagers to move out. I told them no and tried, again, but they kept picking the same villager. I didn't know about resetting it to get them to pick a different one, but I think it's ridiculous to have to do that. I don't understand why I can't choose like with the amiibo cards. Or at least be able to say no, play the card game again, and then another one is chosen.

After that experience, I only use the campsite with amiibos. Although Nintendo dropped the ball on the amiibo's, too. There were not any available when I was in the market to buy some, so I had to purchase them off Etsy.
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Super agree, I’m so bad at the games they ask you to play. I always end up spamming them a million times because I’m constantly loosing to them lol. I also find it pretty annoying that you have to keep inviting villagers from Amiibos before they move in, they should be able to move in after the first scan

I agree. So many things in this game are just tediously annoying.
I’m not fond of the campsite either. I’m terrible at those card games and it’s totally random what card gets pick and if you get it wrong, you have to talk to them all over again. RNG is just terrible when it comes to the campsite... 😔
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