The Crossing Guardian Newspaper

PIKMIN042 said:
BAMBAM! said:
Once again I have a ton of Ideas so if you need any PM me
Just post them here, please.
ok here we go:
1.weekly code
2.Neighbor of the week, where we pick some neighbors when they vote who they like the most.
3.weekly tip
4.weekly storry about contests and news on acac and other sponsers
6.Pickman's fashion colum
7.Fake advice colum
I think putting a whole series of codes would be better. I can do the codes myself. The fashion I am also doing.
PIKMIN042 said:
I think putting a whole series of codes would be better. I can do the codes myself. The fashion I am also doing.
i was not just talking about one cade mabey a set of codes for a set such as modern.
I think that the advice column could combine with the tip, so it is an advice column giving tips. Pretty sneaky, huh? The first tip could be how to catch a bee:

Dear [insert name of advice columnist here]
I have been trying and trying to catch a bee, but every time I try, I get stung! Can you help [insert name of advice columnist here]?
-Bust Ed Up

Dear Bust Ed Up,
I have had several letter of the same type. [Insert how to best catch bee here].
BAMBAM! said:
PIKMIN042 said:
I think putting a whole series of codes would be better. I can do the codes myself. The fashion I am also doing.
i was not just talking about one cade mabey a set of codes for a set such as modern.
You said "weekly code". "code" is not plural. Anyway, putting a series in would be a good idea. Modern was the first one I thought of. There are many.
I could do articles, weekly tip, weekly nieghbor, cynda will probably do the weekly story.
I think that MSHRM woukd be best for the weekly neighbor, as he already has a thread about it. He doesn't seem to be on enough weekly. I don't know what you mean by articles, though. The weekly tip would be good in advice column-style, maybe.
PIKMIN042 said:
I think that MSHRM woukd be best for the weekly neighbor, as he already has a thread about it. He doesn't seem to be on enough weekly. I don't know what you mean by articles, though. The weekly tip would be good in advice column-style, maybe.
AC style newspaper articles, you know?
I think we should start a thread with all the articles we're certain we're going to have, and each time somene comes up with a cool new one, we can add it to teh list. It might also be a good idea not to start out with all our ideas, and add new ones with each issue to make it more interesting.
how about we have a villager of the week too, or would that be bad because mshrmbirdo has a thread dedicated to that?
Ok guys here is another name and slogan the name is Golden Times and the slogan is, Time Is Worth Gold, And This Newspaper Is Worth Your Time, The Golden Times.
We can also have a question then put the answer and another question on the next one. also weekly joke, weekly animal guessing game where you would describe an animal and and basicly do the same thing as the question of the week.
You should in clude in the list of topics:
1.Buissness section
2.Where to get some fish
3.Where to get some bugs(and when for both)
4.News on the DS or ideas for the DS such as my Tree furniture idea( animal crossing 2 too)
But you should also do some mothly things too that would be really big.
BAMBAM! said:
Ok guys here is another name and slogan the name is Golden Times and the slogan is, Time Is Worth Gold, And This Newspaper Is Worth Your Time, The Golden Times.
The solgan is a little wordy...
PIKMIN042 said:
BAMBAM! said:
Ok guys here is another name and slogan the name is Golden Times and the slogan is, Time Is Worth Gold, And This Newspaper Is Worth Your Time, The Golden Times.
The solgan is a little wordy...
Well i don't have anymore ideas for a slogan so someone else give it a shot.