The CTRL + V Game

yeah she has a bad attitude and cant post nicely, she has to challenge everything people say and fight

It was part of this PM I got about someone.
ok ctrl + V=i will can set up tree crops for a great harvest every 3 days here are my prices

250 bells per tree
2000 for clearing land
3000 for it to be done in one day or 5000 to have it take about 2 days but maximize space
a couple notes
you will provide everything the axe the fruit the tress.... i will not buy it for you

the maximum space takes 2 days to set up and if you do it wrong you will mess it up i will not redo it for you that was your fault not mine but you can hire me again mess up on the instructions i left your fault not mine
that was from a land clearing service i setup earlier

oh right i was applying for a rp rofl
"You don't know real loss because you've never loved anything more than you love yourself."