"Lets see.. Ill start from the beginning. Me and malani had been dating for several years, and she was like a big sister to Alice. One day, alice went missing, to this realm i guess.. One of her friends told us she told them that she was running away through some portal..which i still dont know why-" yasuke was cut off by alice
"I wanted a fresh start...or i was just drunk, i dunno," Alice told him
"Um..okay then. Continuing on, we found out where the portal was, and me and Malani said some stuff, and went through. We both had our gems, opal and onyx, held tightly in our hands. With our open hands, we held hands tight. When I went through the portal..she wasnt there. Just me, the opal, and the onyx..no Malani..I'm maybe thinking only one person can go through at a time..I looked around, but she wasnt there. Not anywhere..then I stumbled upon Alice, or she stumbled upon me..-" he was cut off again, but not by Alice. By a voice in his head. Malani's (might make form for her, for now, shes going to be talking to him in his head only. As purple) Yasuke..where are you?? And wheres my gem?? Wait..how am i talking to you through my head??! What the hell is going on?! Malani said to yasuke through his head. "Malani..shes okay! She just talked to me in my head..becaus its a fusion, right?" Yasuke said Malani..youre okay..I'm in the gem realm, through the portal. Theres snow everywhere.. Oh..your gem, funny you should ask. Apparently, i accidently 'fusioned' them together..theyre one gem now..it has our powers combined. I can make it dark, i dont know what your gem originally did..Alice is okay, shes right next to me..where are you? Yasuke said to Malani in his head