1. In class, we talked about epigraphs and how they're used in this book. I'd like you to think a bit more about that. Please look at the Storr epigraph at the beginning of Ch. 7. First, I'd like to know, what the heck do you think he's saying in that epigraph? What does it mean? And how do you know that's what it means?
2. Once you've decided what Storr means in that passage, explain to me how that epigraph connects to Ch. 7? And where do you see echoes of that passage elsewhere in the book? What insight do these epigraphs give you into McCandless's story?
3. Across Chs. 8 & 9, Krakauer compares and contrats McCandless with a number of men who also died in the wilderness. Is Krakauer right to connect McCandless with Everett Ruess, rather than the other men? Why/why not? And what is so different or special about McCandless and Ruess?
lololo school work, forgot about this