The CTRL + V Game

kraft mac and cheese the little microwave ones


one or two spicy ramens

normal peanut butter
Post automatically merged:

Hey~ Still buying n***s?❤ I can do full front pics or closeup pics of a**, p**** or t***-

Holy crap I’m sorry I’m going to have to remove most of that and censor half of what’s left. Points for honesty at least? Support SWs guys 🤣
secure the bag mama
"Twirling, whirling, the weather just keeps changing!"
Cure Up・RaPaPa!

Being selfish isn't that cool
But I'd also say freedom is wonderful
Of course there are still rules we must follow though

this made me chuckle lol so i sent it to my friends when it happened
censored their name and discord group to protect their identity
for context: this person dmed me like a week ago from nookazon saying that they have the item i was asking for on the server and i replied asking how much they'd like for it. They didnt reply until today, just sending me a link to their discord and it frustrated me because they didnt even reply to the trade :/
jesus everytime i control+v italways takes up the entire gosh dern page
A fishery is an area with an associated fish or aquatic population which is harvested for its commercial value. Fisheries can be marine (saltwater) or freshwater. They can also be wild or farmed.

Wild fisheries are sometimes called capture fisheries. The aquatic life they support is not controlled in any meaningful way and needs to be "captured" or fished. Wild fisheries exist primarily in the oceans, and particularly around coasts and continental shelves. They also exist in lakes and rivers. Issues with wild fisheries are overfishing and pollution. Significant wild fisheries have collapsed or are in danger of collapsing, due to overfishing and pollution. Overall, production from the world's wild fisheries has levelled out, and may be starting to decline.

As a contrast to wild fisheries, farmed fisheries can operate in sheltered coastal waters, in rivers, lakes and ponds, or in enclosed bodies of water such as tanks. Farmed fisheries are technological in nature, and revolve around developments in aquaculture. Farmed fisheries are expanding, and Chinese aquaculture in particular is making many advances. Nevertheless, the majority of fish consumed by humans continues to be sourced from wild fisheries. As of the early 21st century, fish is humanity's only significant wild food source.