The CTRL + V Game

Rage on mabushii hikari
surudoku me wo somukeru isshun he

I don't really know how to explain this
A guy walked down and into a basement and saw a book about beans. "Beans!" said his dog while eating some carrots. Suddenly a very large cannonball landed where they decided to sit down while enjoying a cup of tea, destroying the million dollar mansion that was about to have a fire. Then a brave person rescued both the carrots and Squipracker. They asked "how did you rescue both of those odd carrots? I said "screw Squipracker and eat these

brandon rogers is a comedic genius

...... wait am i even allowed to post this?
My dad knew I liked beans so he was just like playing with beans and then he dropped a rock and then it slid and then hot water started falling and then-
Hopefully my internet doesn't stop me please....

Well... I was supposed to play Splatoon 2, but I have NAT D even though my internet is ok...
But before it was NAT A ;;