there's way, way too much music that i feel describes me and/or my life that if i listed it all this would be novel length, so i'll just name the first three that pop into my mind:
all gone by mother mother
the feeling when you're tired of caring too much, of feeling like your own emotions and choices are weighing you down.
"i took a hammer and i break my legs, i break them for the better.
the two of them are always walking me in the stormy weather"
people ii: the reckoning by ajj
this one pops into my head a lot.
twin fantasy (those boys) by car seat headrest
the whole album it good stuff, but this is the first that comes to mind for the like;
"this is the part of the song where will gives up. he dissociates himself from his own romance until it becomes just a fantasy: this isn't something that could happen to him."