[6:28:29 PM] kallie: this proves dog superority
[6:29:07 PM] kallie: Hey, imd rs
[6:29:09 PM] zuzu:
http://lh5.ggpht.com/-pSWIhZLAk74/UQqIU0Aq8II/AAAAAAAAAjs/Dfg0U5y1ZFQ/s9000/cute-dog+1.JPG theres a ot of dogs
[6:29:15 PM] zuzu: im drs
[6:29:29 PM] zuzu: The drag reduction system (or DRS) is a form of driver adjustable bodywork aimed at reducing aerodynamic drag in order to increase top speed and promote overtaking. It is an adjustable rear wing of the car, which moves in response to driver commands.
[6:29:35 PM] zuzu: you are drag reduction system
[6:30:10 PM] kallie: im dead
[6:30:38 PM] zuzu: drag reduction system