The Differences Between Facts and Opinions


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Mar 9, 2013
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I've seen quite a few threads lately speaking to what may be "lacking" in New Horizons, or how it's not as good as NL or the OG AC, and it seems we are in the habit of speaking in absolutes, so I thought I'd try and clear something up.

Examples of Facts (absolutes):
- The original AC game was released on the Gamecube.
- ACCF was playable on the Wii.
- New Leaf has an island where you can partake in mini games run by Tortimer.
- New Horizons allows us to terraform, build up to 8 bridges and inclines, and decorate outside.

Examples of Opinions:
- Dialogue is lacking in ACNH.
- ACNH lacks the charm of previous iterations.
- ACNH isn't as fun as New Leaf.

I offer these examples as a way of not only showing the differences, but a means to show that it's perfectly fine if someone - like me - believes NH is the best game in the series, while others think it's lacking in comparison to NL.

Speaking in absolutes is dangerous, as it leads to disagreements, hard-headedness, and in some situations, infraction points (whoops).

I say all that for this:
I love this game, and firmly believe it's the best game in the series. But I'm not ignorant to other people not feeling the same way, and that's fine. Just allow me to feel the way I do, and when you have a difference of opinion, be mindful that yours (nor mine) are not the end all be all.

Apologies for the length. You may carry on.
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Even if two people have completely opposite opinions that's a-ok. If we all thought the same thing then what would be the point of a conversation? It's sad that nowadays there's more yelling over disagreements than casual chatting. But to each their own.

Personally I would love an amalgam of NL and NH but eh, I also miss things from the gamecube versions too. You lose some you win some, NH just happens to not be everyone's cup of tea which is sad, but I also understand why. I remember when the game was announced I wanted to place fruit furniture outside like I had wanted to since the first day I got them in Wild World. It was a letdown but at the end of the day I just sit back, relax and invite others over. The grind of the new games definitely doesn't appeal to everyone, esp the breaking tools. It's a tedium im not a fan of either tbh. It's why right now im trying my best to make a town that completely avoids what most people have been doing. Just taking it day by day (not even every day either) and doing whats fun in the moment. I do miss Violets and the fruit trees from NL though, really hope Leif gets a store someday like in NL too. Bleh, idk what else to say.
...and we all know...Only a Sith deals in absolutes...
But like... gonna nerd out here a sec cause my Fiance went on a rant about this the other day. Siths actually have a really cool backstory that is barely covered in the movies. They might seem a bit extreme but from their point of view others are like that too. 100% not a fan of star wars btw, just a neat tidbit XD
Yes, this is exactly what people need to read.

Everyone has their own opinion on how ACNH is to them. I personally love the game, and while it has it flaws and can be improved, it's still a really good game and I still enjoying playing everyday.

We should all be able to share our opinions without being attacked for it. Nobody has to think the exact same way as someone else.
This is why I hate those ranting threads or whatever, because people just end up arguing and having a go at each other for having an opinion on something.

Someone else's opinion shouldn't bother you that much, to the point where you have too attack them about it online. Especially over a game. 😥
Yes, this is exactly what people need to read.

Everyone has their own opinion on how ACNH is to them. I personally love the game, and while it has it flaws and can be improved, it's still a really good game and I still enjoying playing everyday.

We should all be able to share our opinions without being attacked for it. Nobody has to think the exact same way as someone else.
This is why I hate those ranting threads or whatever, because people just end up arguing and having a go at each other for having an opinion on something.

Someone else's opinion shouldn't bother you that much, to the point where you have too attack them about it online. Especially over a game. 😥
I've gotten caught up in a thread or two like that, mostly trying to explain why rant threads are merely opinions, and shouldn't be expected to be generally accepted.

Perhaps it's my fault for trying to protect the sanctity of debate, or I'm insane for trying. I suppose both could be true.
Sometimes ranting really helps, it's just that people tend to disagree and some feel more strongly than others. There's nothing wrong with it, I just wish people simmered down a lil bit before doing so XD Either way, as long as at the end of the day there isn't any hatred towards others or anything I don't mind the rant threads. Heck, there allot of things I do agree with. I miss allot of stuff from older games but hey, NH is it's own thing and im just gonna vibe with it.
but there is less dialogue in new leaf and new horizons compared to the older games hence lacking... how is that an opinion?

new horizons tops new leaf in terms of the amount of different conversations, but it’s still not as vast and expansive as AC, CF, or WW.
Animal Crossing, I'm afraid, is a game that allows people to exploit other people's feelings with negative opinions.

The reason is that people often like to play it as a form of stress therapy: We get to play in a more simplified, parralel world in the game for several minutes to an hour or two, wondering around doing random things here and there, as a way to relax from all the chaos we might suffer from in real life. At least, that's how I relate to the game, as my life has been filled with plenty of anxiety the past couple years.

The curse of that is when people get unbearably judgemental about someone's therapy, calling it completely inferior to other versions of therapy you've experienced. Words hurt hard the more and more heavy the criticism and nitpicking it's given, to a point that your whole mental state about such therapy turns into anxiety about the therapy itself. Not good, given that you were playing the game to escape from such negative feelings in the first place!

I'm totally aware of a lot of the problems of New Horizons, and I'm aware of what I think older games have done better... Yet I still see the game as a good form of therapy for me regardless. I still get to wander around in a town of my own, planting things here and there, doing a random request for a villager, fishing when I feel like it, etc.

That's why, even though I might have many harsh opinions, given how really perfectionist I can be, I don't spew them over and over to death. I give them once and move on, because I care about the feelings and reasons people play the game, and don't want to ruin the therapy many might get from it.
but there is less dialogue in new leaf and new horizons compared to the older games hence lacking... how is that an opinion?

new horizons tops new leaf in terms of the amount of different conversations, but it’s still not as vast and expansive as AC, CF, or WW.
It's a matter of perspective. I don't feel dialogue is lacking at all, but that's because it's not a primary reason I enjoy the game.
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Every game has things I like and dislike. New Horizons is no exception. Still love the game and will look forward to the next one when the time comes. I still like to be optimistic about the game. We know we got more updates coming this year, and probably next, so there's potential some cool stuff or QOL features will be added. Welcome Amiibo for New Leaf was totally unexpected and brought a few useful QOL stuff. While it's taking longer than I would have ever predicted, I'm sure Nintendo plans on giving us a new expansion to Nook's Cranny someday. And who knows, it might tie into Leif getting a permeant shop space.

...and we all know...Only a Sith deals in absolutes...

Ironic. He could save others from absolutes, but not himself.
but there is less dialogue in new leaf and new horizons compared to the older games hence lacking... how is that an opinion?

new horizons tops new leaf in terms of the amount of different conversations, but it’s still not as vast and expansive as AC, CF, or WW.

i would like to see a real side by side comparison. Honestly, I don’t mean that as a dig. I would like to see the data on the comparison, it may be true but I have never seen anyone provide the data behind this assertion.

From what I can find in this post on Reddit, the script of new leaf had approximately 300,000 to 400,000 more words than City Folk. This is just in pure overall script I think, not just the dialogue of the villagers, but it is a significant enough number to make me question the amount of dialogue in the different games (it was written before new horizons).

for me, to return to the op, I have no problem with the assertion that people feel the dialogue is less than in previous games, and when it comes down to it I even feel that that matters more to people’s experiences than the facts (no amount of numbers can change whether or not the dialogue feels repetitive for you, and I think that is extremely valid).

But for facts I do think some cold hard data is required.
Opinions are opinions, and people should have a say in a particular topic. Quite sad how there are some people out there going out of their way to attack a person with a different opinion as if they committed a crime.
I've seen quite a few threads lately speaking to what may be "lacking" in New Horizons, or how it's not as good as NL or the OG AC, and it seems we are in the habit of speaking in absolutes, so I thought I'd try and clear something up.

Examples of Facts (absolutes):
- The original AC game was released on the Gamecube.
- ACCF was playable on the Wii.
- New Leaf has an island where you can partake in mini games run by Tortimer.
- New Horizons allows us to terraform, build up to 8 bridges and inclines, and decorate outside.

Examples of Opinions:
- Dialogue is lacking in ACNH.
- ACNH lacks the charm of previous iterations.
- ACNH isn't as fun as New Leaf.

I offer these examples as a way of not only showing the differences, but a means to show that it's perfectly fine if someone - like me - believes NH is the best game in the series, while others think it's lacking in comparison to NL.

Speaking in absolutes is dangerous, as it leads to disagreements, hard-headedness, and in some situations, infraction points (whoops).

I say all that for this:
I love this game, and firmly believe it's the best game in the series. But I'm not ignorant to other people not feeling the same way, and that's fine. Just allow me to feel the way I do, and when you have a difference of opinion, be mindful that yours (nor mine) are not the end all be all.

Apologies for the length. You may carry on.
i can kinda understand the opinion that New Horizons lacks the charm from previous games but maybe it's just cause i first played New Horizons, but I was fascinated with the game the first time I found out about it. It was so different from any other game I'd seen! I even thought the music had a certain 'Animal Crossing' sound to it probably due to the synth-thing in the music which was pretty neat! I think its just that New Horizons is vastly different from the previous games in it's style and the island theme and everything which ppl aren't used to yet. 😁👍
But it is a fact that’s NH lacks content when compared to NL.... that’s not an opinion. It literally has a quarter of the stuff.
But it is a fact that’s NH lacks content when compared to NL.... that’s not an opinion. It literally has a quarter of the stuff.
I highly doubt thats a fact.
There are things missing that other games had, that is true. But there is also stuff in new horizons that no other game has had before.

I would be highly shocked if a quatre was fact and not just hyperbole.
But it is a fact that’s NH lacks content when compared to NL.... that’s not an opinion. It literally has a quarter of the stuff.
No, I believe it's an opinion. New Leaf has more furniture, sure, but Horizons has WAY more customization options for your island that puts NL to shame (in my opinion). It really depends on how you look at it. If you don't care for customization, well then maybe you might see it as less. But if you love the customization like I do, then maybe you think NH has just as much or maybe more.

I personally don't judge content based on the furniture alone when there's so much else this game has to offer.
Every game has its flaws and wow-factors. I feel like this is such a big concept in the Animal Crossing community because people are not used to New Horizons yet. Think about it, we have had New Leaf for 7 years. We played that game in and out, for most people its nostalgic. Thats 7 years of memories, whereas New Horizons might be less nostalgic and have less memories as its only been out for less than a year. If we played New Horizons for 7 years as we played New Leaf we might have different views. We are so used to New Leaf's dynamic and ways that when we get something new like New Horizons we feel the need to criticize it because we are simply not used to it and used to the old ways of older games which we had for so much longer.

I'm pretty sure when a new AC game will come out we will compare it to NH,just like how we are with NL and NH
But it is a fact that’s NH lacks content when compared to NL.... that’s not an opinion. It literally has a quarter of the stuff.
Last time I played NL, I couldn't find a way to build an incline, or place fences around my house.

If you're going to put such a statistic out there as an absolute, I'm going to ask that you prove it. Chances are good you won't be able to, which weakens your position completely. And no, I'm not trying to debate, attack, or disagree with you, just pointing out the type of opinions people are passing off as facts.