The differences between K.K. Slider in New Leaf vs. New Horizons and how I feel about them

Do you like K.K. Slider more in New Leaf or New Horizons?

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i really didn't like club LOL. at all. 😅 new leaf was the first game in which i never attended any K.K. concerts. i loved watching him perform in the roost back in wild world, so having him move to a venue with such a different vibe was really jarring to me.

i definitely prefer K.K. in the plaza, but i do wish that all the seats didn't take up so much space, and that he wasn't seated directly in front of the door... mr. totakeke, i beg you, invite brewster to the island and return to the roost ASAP. please.
I didn't like DJ Slider, so this is one of the few instances where I prefer New Horizons, although I wish he didn't sit at resident services, would be nice if we could build a spot for him.
I’m definitely more a fan of him in New Horizons. I don’t love that he takes up the plaza all freaking day, but I prefer him playing right in nature rather than some club. I wouldn’t mind him playing in a cafe one day like in WW/CF though...just please no more DJ KK.
forgot a negative
- can tie up villagers listening to his tune up and song, so you can't give them gifts, sometimes for hours
It’s an eh for both. I prefer NL KK for convenience but NH KK fits my theming miles better. They both have their pros and cons.
I'd rather him be where he was in Wild World. I liked the chill vibe of the cafe with the guitar.
K.K. Slider in NH has so many GC vibes for me. The main differences being that you can sit and listen to him all day (and yeah, guilty of that once in a while) and the seats, so villagers can join. Back in the day, he would plunk down on a crate in front of the train tracks.

Even if I don't sit during the day, it's nice to hear the music as I run around the island, doing chores and whatnot. And having him every night in a club (which I didn't go into, once I learned the reactions from Shrunk) made him less special. Once a week is a nice way to end the week, IMO.