šŸŽ­ The Dreaded Den (aka Suguri's Art and Other Junk) šŸŽ­


Apr 28, 2022
Tera Orb
Perfect Apple
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Apple (Fruit)

this is a placeholder image. i'll replace it with a drawing when i get around to it.

Hi, I'm Suguri, and welcome to the Dreaded Den! It's a pretty scary name and I totally did not steal it from a location in PokƩmon, but don't worry; this is just a space for me to share my creations!

Most of my work in this thread is drawings. I have dabbled with traditional and digital mediums and would love to get better at both someday. I draw either on my sketchbook with a pencil, colored pencils, and outline markers, or on the MyPaint program with a stylus and my 2-in-1 laptop.

I have also done writing (albeit rarely), crocheting, and other crafts, so expect stuff like those to appear every now and then.

I hope you enjoy all of my amateur works! :D

To see my old Sketchbook thread drawings (which I reposted here when I made this), click on the spoiler below.
Here is where I'll be sharing stuff that doesn't belong in my "Crocheted Goods by Suguri" thread. This includes traditional drawings, digital drawings, and whatever else I feel like showing off.

I originally posted the following in the Sketchbook thread, but for things to be more organized I'm gonna start by reposting them, text and all. From now onwards, further things I make will be shared in this thread. I will also be reposting past stuff when I feel like it.


On April Fool's Day I commissioned @/Yanrima~ (sorry if the ping irritated you but I think it would be great if you saw this!) to draw Kirby with the Pokemon character Kieranā€™s messy ponytail. Eventually I got inspired to flesh out this new (but fake) copy ability, which I have dubbed ā€œKierbyā€. So this is Kierby and his powersā€¦
Extra notes:
  • "Kieran's team" refers to the roster used by Kieran during The Indigo Disk.
  • Kirby can initially be controlled under the "Kierby" ability. Upon pressing the attack button, Kierby will release a random PokĆ©mon that will be controlled by the player for as long as the copy ability lasts.
  • Kierby will follow the PokĆ©mon as it's moving.
  • PokĆ©mon can be switched at any time.
And hereā€™s a bonus description I made up for Kierby. Warning, if you havenā€™t beat The Indigo Disk yet, this may contain some spoiler-ish things so Iā€™ve hidden it just in case.
Students and staff at Blueberry Academy are investigating the mysterious disappearance of the newly-elected BB League champion. Kierby, donning the championā€™s signature hairstyle, may be culpable; despite being a pink puffball, he is almost as strong and intimidating as his counterpart!

Based on a true dilemma...

You can talk to me all you want about glasses not harming your vision, but it will take forever for me to finally be convinced. Attacking my mom won't work either, plus it's disrespectful.

These are some things I drew on my chemistry notebook...

This first one was from when we learned about metric units; they use it a lot in science.


We were required to watch a video about safety in chemistry. In the video this guy makes a compound called "fuming nitric acid" that can burn lab gloves but not vinyl gloves.

We also learned about gas stoves and their impact on the environment. When you run them they release these pollutant chemicals, among them nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide. Exposure to these pollutant chemicals can cause asthma, heart problems, and cancer.

I'll have to explain why he's calling Mars "Rusty Dusty". We read an article about the possibility of life in Mars and the article talked about how Mars is full of iron dust and rust-colored rocks that give the planet its color. It joked that it could be nicknamed "Dusty Rusty", which kind of irked me TBH, so I decided to make fun of that through the comic. The words were switched around in the comic because my memory was hazy.

In addition, find my old crochet thread for most of my projects made before 2025!​
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Here is where I'll be sharing stuff that doesn't belong in my "Crocheted Goods by BobRocks20" thread. This includes traditional drawings, digital drawings, and whatever else I feel like showing off.

I originally posted the following in the Sketchbook thread, but for things to be more organized I'm gonna start by reposting them, text and all. From now onwards, further things I make will be shared in this thread. I will also be reposting past stuff when I feel like it.


On April Fool's Day I commissioned @/Yanrima~ (sorry if the ping irritated you but I think it would be great if you saw this!) to draw Kirby with the Pokemon character Kieranā€™s messy ponytail. Eventually I got inspired to flesh out this new (but fake) copy ability, which I have dubbed ā€œKierbyā€. So this is Kierby and his powersā€¦
Extra notes:
  • "Kieran's team" refers to the roster used by Kieran during The Indigo Disk.
  • Kirby can initially be controlled under the "Kierby" ability. Upon pressing the attack button, Kierby will release a random PokĆ©mon that will be controlled by the player for as long as the copy ability lasts.
  • Kierby will follow the PokĆ©mon as it's moving.
  • PokĆ©mon can be switched at any time.
And hereā€™s a bonus description I made up for Kierby. Warning, if you havenā€™t beat The Indigo Disk yet, this may contain some spoiler-ish things so Iā€™ve hidden it just in case.
Students and staff at Blueberry Academy are investigating the mysterious disappearance of the newly-elected BB League champion. Kierby, donning the championā€™s signature hairstyle, may be culpable; despite being a pink puffball, he is almost as strong and intimidating as his counterpart!

Based on a true dilemma...

You can talk to me all you want about glasses not harming your vision, but it will take forever for me to finally be convinced. Attacking my mom won't work either, plus it's disrespectful.

These are some things I drew on my chemistry notebook...

This first one was from when we learned about metric units; they use it a lot in science.


We were required to watch a video about safety in chemistry. In the video this guy makes a compound called "fuming nitric acid" that can burn lab gloves but not vinyl gloves.

We also learned about gas stoves and their impact on the environment. When you run them they release these pollutant chemicals, among them nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide. Exposure to these pollutant chemicals can cause asthma, heart problems, and cancer.

I'll have to explain why he's calling Mars "Rusty Dusty". We read an article about the possibility of life in Mars and the article talked about how Mars is full of iron dust and rust-colored rocks that give the planet its color. It joked that it could be nicknamed "Dusty Rusty", which kind of irked me TBH, so I decided to make fun of that through the comic. The words were switched around in the comic because my memory was hazy.
ahh i love your art! something about the style reminds me of dog man or big nate?
ig iā€™ll have to be more careful with my gas burner;;
I did this quick drawing two days ago after I commissioned MrBox, a fellow TBT user, to do these rough sketches of PaRappa and Kieran (mood). This is supposed to be their main OC, or "sona" as they call it. My only references are in their Kofi.

I'm nuts for their art! And the fact that I was unaware of their drawings for a while (I first met them in Nook's Cranny) kind of strengthens it in a way.
If Kieran were an animal, I think he'd be a black cat. Speaking of which, here are some never-before-seen digital drawings of Kieran the cat from a while ago. Try to ignore the inconsistencies...
backdrop2 (1).png

Fun fact: I used the third image as my icon a while ago.

And this last one is my favorite:
I have three old books that have been gathering dust for a while and I think it's time for me to share them! First off is "Pirate Alex finds the treasure."

Front cover:

Back cover:

If I can recall, there was a student book contest going on and I wrote this one as an entry. The plot's nothing extravagant, but my book ended up getting the "Teacher's Choice" label anyway, and that made little ol' me proud. Here's the book in its entirety:

The next two books, "Guest Bakes a Cake" and "Guest at the Store", will be shared soon! Trust me when I say that you're gonna want to read "Guest at the Store." I'm hyping it up for a reason! ;)
"Teacher's Choice 2017"? More like danmokun's Choice 2024. šŸ˜Ž *slaps a golden sticker that takes up half the cover* I like how there's just a random day/moment it rained on the island for no reason and with no explanation... just rained that one time! ā˜”šŸ˜‚ Ain't no way Alex only found 8 meager coins inside that chest: he's keeping the rest to himself I bet. šŸ˜  Nice story! šŸ‘šŸŽ²
Oh, I love your art! There's something about your style that's nostalgic for me. (Probably because it reminds me of Dog Man, hehe.) It brings me back to when I used to make comics in elementary school.

Keep it up! Your art make me smile. c:
First off I would like to thank everyone who has interacted with this thread in any way. Thanks to you all, I feel slightly more confident in my drawings. That's better than before, at least! And your review of "Pirate Alex" was super hilarious, @danmokun !

Anyway, as promised, here's Part 2 of the BR20's Old Books Trilogy: Guest Bakes a Cake.

Front cover:

(The back cover has nothing, that's why I didn't show it)

The book contains references to Roblox, which I used to play a lot at the time I wrote and drew this book. The titular character, Guest, is based on the appearance of a guest player on a Roblox game. Back then, as long as you had the player installed, you could join a Roblox game without having to make an account. This isn't a thing anymore, probably because of some form of abuse to the system. For reference, this is what a guest from the early-2010's looks like:

(image from Roblox Wiki)
Keep in mind that the Guest in the book looks nothing like this.
The cake recipe Guest followed was copied from somewhere, but I forgot where.

Okay, enough chit-chat! Here's the book.

I like how the book ends with the Noob trying out the cake. We don't get to see if he likes it or anything. Actually, I was planning to include an ending where the Noob enjoys the cake, but then I ran out of pages, so that's why it's like this.

For reference, the Noob looks like this:

In Roblox, the Noob is a representation of a new player.

The final book, "Guest at the Store", is coming soon! I'm glad I saved the best for last here.
Nice, I really like it all! I like your style/art. Reminds me of Dairy of a Wimpy Kid and Captain Underpants. I read those books when I was younger.
(Probably because it reminds me of Dog Man, hehe.) It brings me back to when I used to make comics in elementary school.
Yeah that's just what I was saying/posting. It has a very wholesome appeal to it. Keep up the good work, Bob!
I have a random thought. I think it would be a good idea for me to return to posting in the Sketchbook thread. I have a few doodles that I've been wanting to share with everyone for a while but have held off because I felt that they were too incomplete for my art thread (I had said earlier that "further things I make will be shared in this thread.") So from now on, art I consider "complete" will go here and art I consider "incomplete" will go to the Sketchbook thread.
Just so you know, this isn't the long-awaited "Guest at the Store."
Yesterday I got bored and decided to do some small drawings. I did quite a lot and I'm proud of them all! I haven't been this motivated to draw in years, so I'm grateful for that opportunity. Note how I scanned the drawings instead of taking a photo of them with my phone...

  1. Kieran the cat is back! I was surprised when a fellow user (I'll talk about them later) sent me their fan art of him, so I got motivated to draw this. Anyone who has already seen the fan art in their thread may notice that the pose and expression are quite similar. That...was deliberate.
  2. BlueTheCircley, looking as smug as ever. BlueTheCircley is an OC made by my long-time online friend BTCircley (he didn't draw the fan art), who made an account on The Bell Tree recently. I don't think he's gonna be as active on there as I am, but I hope he enjoys it here anyway.
  3. A drawing of Hrammer, another OC by BTCircley. His dialogue is supposed to be a reference to the children's book "The Velveteen Rabbit," except he is a hammer and not a toy.
  4. PaRappa and the real Kieran side by side. I like how their personalities clash with each other! When it comes to drawing Kieran, I've only gotten around to his Indigo Disk appearance because his hair there is easier to draw than that mess in The Teal Mask. Hopefully, when I'm good enough, I can do more Kieran the person drawings. For now, I'll stick to my cat version of him.
  5. A lame comic starring a snowman. I used to play a lot of WarioWare DIY and I remember making this specific comic, among others. I managed to find the original online after I drew the remake, which you can see here. Look forward to a post with more WarioWare DIY comics soon! After I release "Guest at the Store", that is...
  6. J (my persona) and Face Bob (another OC of mine) sing "Philosophy of the World" by The Shaggs. I like to imagine the two sharing quirky common interests, which can lead to plenty of humorous moments.
  7. People have compared my art style to Captain Underpants, Big Nate, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Dog Man. Especially Dog Man. (Fun fact: I read all those books when I was little!) So I decided to draw the Man himself and see what happens. And I must say- wow, I did a pretty good job there! And I like the thumbs-up gesture I gave him.
  8. I like this one here the most because...Char is in it! And J is here petting them affectionately! If you haven't known already through my latest post in my crochet thread, I recently developed a crush on ZeldaCrossing64's OC. (P.S. They did the fan art I talked about earlier!) And I'm serious when I say that. It's weird, I know... First off, they're a metalhead cat. Second of all, I already have a fictional crush! But I guess that means that of the many Animal Crossing OCs you can find online, Char is pretty much my favorite of them all! Char Appreciation Postā„¢ļø when???
Finally, I'm gonna end this off with a bonus thing from 8 years ago. Since I've only a few weeks left until summer vacation, it would make sense to put this out there!

(I made this on my first Scratch account, cutebross260.)
I find it weird how I call myself Bob here because I'm female. Also, I didn't draw that entry to the right. That was another online friend. I couldn't find the original version without his entry anywhere because I deleted it.

That's all I have to share for today. See you then!
Oh my, I think my heart is going to explode - These drawings are so cute!! I love them all, and call me biased but the Dog Man and Char doodles are my favorites. They look so goofy and adorable, I love. šŸ˜­

(Also noticed that Char is reading a book called "Sys-Down". Nice reference!)
Today, I finally release "Guest at the Store", starring the Guest from "Guest Bakes a Cake". I've been making a big deal about it for a while because of the old books I made, this one's the most interesting.

There's a bit of a story behind the making of this book. "Guest at the Store" was something I originally planned to work on solo, but then one day this classmate came up to me and he was like, "Wow that's a cool book, can I borrow it for a sec?" I naively gave it to him, unaware of his true intent to "finish" the book for me. The result...was this mess.

And here's some other information before we get down to it: Kids R Us, if I can recall, is a clothing store, not a toy store. I must have confused that with Toys R Us. Also, I fell down a rabbit hole of creepypastas at the time.

Front cover:


What do you think?
Wow, Guest has a lotta dough to be buyin' games like that so frivolously. šŸŽ® Did Guest somehow steal the rest of the coins from Alex's treasure chest and used all that money to buy these things or what?! šŸ¤‘ I also liked the "ha x60" at the end there. šŸ˜‚ I guess writing out "ha" 60 times is too much, huh? Not in the budget for that kinda writing. Pretty weird collaboration but still worked out somehow! šŸ‘šŸŽ² I remember Toys R Us and Kids R Us too. I loved browsing the Nintendo Wii section at Toys R Us back then. šŸ˜¢
It's time for me to dump out a truckload of old and new art! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but there's still a lot of art here!

First up are my WarioWare DIY comics from 2021. I've made a lot more than these, but they've become lost media.
Secret Sauce.png
Radio Rebel.png
Al Can.png

And this is the "Chop Suey" comic I originally posted in the Happy thread, now in high quality!

I'll have to get around to scanning the books too when I'm in the right mood.

Oh and here's Snake! I drew this for fellow user @/micat
backdrop2 (5).png

Finally, here are some older drawings that were buried in my laptop:

Fan-art of another OC by BTCircley!


A Christmas advent calendar that I submitted for TBT's 2022 Christmas event. Since nobody can see it anymore, I decided to reupload it here. Roosevelt the Moose and Howard the Yeti (both are Woobles) appear in the calendar.


Some drawing of a person.


A crudely drawn ghost. It's supposed to be Doopliss from a Paper Mario game, but I forgot what game it was.

costume1 (2)-output.png
ezgif.com-crop (1).gif
datpose (1).png

mario paint bob.PNG

And more Bob...because why not?