The Elven War - Roleplay

As she was almost hit, she changed places with the shadow that was laying on the ground where she once was. "Impressive, I must say.." She trailed off.​
"Great." I say. "The master fighter is impressed." I attempt to trip her once again, but mid circle I move up direction, quietly ove behind her and attempt to backstab her.
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(holy crap u tryin to kill her? LOL)

Arlena turned and felt her chin and lip get cut. She yelped and jumped up into a nearby tree, throwing 2 shurikens.​
"Great." I say.

(Pfft, no, he aimed for her hip by accident. Forgot to say that..)

"Yeah, i'd rather not be called disgusting." I say. I get hit by one shuriken and deflect the other.
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"You attacked first and tried to talk sweet to me." Arlena sneered. She lost her grip and ended up falling to the ground because of the pain in her shoulder.​
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- - - - Rikuto
Rikuto placed one hand on his hip, creating an illusion of a voice in Arlena's mind.
"You doing okay? Let me know and we'll take him down together." he offered, still trying keeping out of her fight but finding it hard not to just pound the High Elf.
"Yeah, I know but guess what. I know you do too. You like to flirt trying to make yourself deceitful, then you strike? Nope, doesn't work on me."
\"I don't care."

Whilst he was talking, I summoned sword. I summoned one, threw it at him, summoned another, threw it at him, and did that five more times.
"Please cat, calm yourself."
*Ducks and most of the swords except one hit Fletcher*
*Gets a second sword*
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"Pft, it looks that way because you attacked first." Arlena said, whimpering as her shoulder bled more. What is he going on about? I meant everything I said. She thought as she listened to Rikuto's words. Where where they coming from? She didn't want to be a coward and ask for help, however.​
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