Cycling The Final Goodbye!

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Leijons is looking for him. Her tumblr has her dreamie proof here! I'll message her, if Beau is still available. Don't worry if he's not.
I actually feel like I'm hurting a wounded animal here.. So, I've decided I'm going to raffle Beau off! Watch for the thread!
Hi! Houndoomed, did you pick up Cranston from the other thread? :)

I didn't, no.. I went afk and missed the post merges D:


Just a heads-up for you all.. Tomorrow, I will likely be having a new cycler join me :) .. She might not necessarily be joining tomorrow, but has said she may join tomorrow, if not, in a couple of weeks as she has an exam to prepare for.

But you'll get full details tomorrow, I'll keep you posted!:)
Hello, I'm new and searching for my dreamies here; and I have a question... ^^ i saw Moose on your list of auto-voided villagers. Can you put him off auto-void please? :3
Hello, I'm new and searching for my dreamies here; and I have a question... ^^ i saw Moose on your list of auto-voided villagers. Can you put him off auto-void please? :3

Of course :) .. I won't be cycling 'til tomorrow, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait 'til then.. But I hope you get him!
Waiting is no problem for me :3 i hope i can get him. thanks a lot!
Welcome new Cycler :D! Wish I had an extra copy of Animal Crossing to start cycling :( maybe some day

- - - Post Merge - - -

Why did it post twice o-o any who, if I ever do get an extra copy I will tell you for sure :) and thank you! I had to wake up really early for him but it was worth xD

I have a new cycler joining me.. One of my best friends for almost six years.. She's called Ellie, and MissE on the forums.. She'll be around a lot :D

I've added her villagers to the list :)
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