Can I please have Sydney? o:
Sure. I'll add you now and gate will be open soon.
Can I please have Sydney? o:
Hey Sean, how you doing? I can't believe some of the villagers that has been voided had been voided. </3
Awh, Makkine you gave me hope that I could get her, since you seem offline. If it doesn't work out... I'm here
//v\\ okay alright ill let you have her, im already stalking a thread for yuka. ;w;
Ohey stranger, I've been good, how about youuu? And yeah, it sucks D: .. Particularly Bruce
Stranger Danger. I've been good. With regret i've lost my Pok?mon game. x.x
//v\\ okay alright ill let you have her, im already stalking a thread for yuka. ;w;
Aw that sucks D: (PERHAPS COME ON AC AND TBT MORE *pokes*)
TBT sure but on AC... WHEN YOU LISTEN TO MY CRISIS YOU WILL UNDERSTAND, i'm not even joking i'm dead scared to go on AC, I really want to but i'm scared to see who's moved out or in vice versa.
Well I'm sure it can't be all that bad.. But at least come on TBT more
I'll go on it tonight, pray for me, also I willllll, promiseand you got Poppy oh my god.
I did.. She's epic.. I lost Bangle a couple of nights ago while trying to TT Nana out </3.. So I'm having Bangle in my Pok?mon town (when I make it) and Flora's now in my main
Aw that sucks real bad. Also, Pok?mon town? Dayum.