Come join the dark side..
Rod has moved in. (<33333333333333333333333333333)
You are amazing, Hound, for taking all of this. I got embarrassed, pissed off and sad for you when I read these last couple of pages.... I am almost always on my phone (as right now) which is why I have only text in my sig, but you definitely can change it while on a phone!! And to yell and be mad at the cycler when you are to lazy to write a signature?
And otherwise, the unfair treatment and negative feedback you got today is horrible and wrong, and I hope you know that your work is greatly and deeply appreciated here and that you are an amazing person for still managing to reply as politely as you did. Kudos to you! Just had to say that.
rod was perfect I had him in WW
ooooh you have rod @u@, like you hound, when i first started playing, in the village i had for a night before remaking, he was the first villager i saw and the only one i remember from that town, so you can bet i'll be stalking for him to go into boxes
Rod has moved in. (<33333333333333333333333333333)
Me for Cranston, please? FC 3067 5272 1552 Nicholas from Mugwump
I'll take her!
I literally just had a taker on Reddit D: .. Sorry about that! D:
- - - Post Merge - - -
Soleil has been adopted via Reddit.
Ah, okay. She's on another cycling thread, though, so I guess I'll go back over there.