Cycling The Final Goodbye!

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Calling Linnea!

Bianca the Peppy Tiger is now moving! Please post if you'd like her!

I'm here! I have a villager ready to go but was wondering if I could have 5 minutes to get this other person to pick him up? He's online now and wouldn't be more than 5 or ten minutes!
I'm here! I have a villager ready to go but was wondering if I could have 5 minutes to get this other person to pick him up? He's online now and wouldn't be more than 5 or ten minutes!

No problem, I'll add you and just open my gate.. Come over when you're ready
Agh I'm so sorry, I can't seem to find your gate on the list?

I'll close and re-open :)

And yeah, I hate Merengue 'cos of last time.. I cycled for 6 hours straight and she still refused to go.. So I voided her with a reset :L .. Was sick of the sight of her.. Was waiting all that time so I could reset, and she still was superglued in place
And yeah, I hate Merengue 'cos of last time.. I cycled for 6 hours straight and she still refused to go.. So I voided her with a reset :L .. Was sick of the sight of her.. Was waiting all that time so I could reset, and she still was superglued in place
Geez... That would have drove me crazy. u_u
Oh jeez it's still not showing up D: Gah I'm so sorry that took so long, I feel terrible. :( Thank you so much for your patience.

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Gonna restart the game and see if it helps...

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AH YAY it worked okay PHEW jeez DS what are you trying to give me a heart attack for

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Thank you so much!! I'm terribly sorry for all of the trouble, if I had known it would have taken that long I wouldn't have asked, so sorry again, and thank you for your patience!
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Bianca has been adopted! Please enjoy her!

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And hey MrMend, yep I've completed my team :) .. When Curlos gives me his pic and gets his sheepish butt outta my town, I'll swap him for Nana :)

She's good! How's Vesta? :)
She and Eunice are best friends! It's really cute, they talk about eachother all the time (I think they have a secret book club haha :p)
Nana's so cute, I think she's one of the only monkeys I like though, since monkeys always move in whenever I'm TTing to get a different villager xD
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