The Find New Neighbors Thread!

Someone already mentioned Pinky but...
Oh my gosh, I love her soooooo much. Personally my favorite female bear, but I like all of them, haha. She's been a favorite of mine since GC.

Oh, and Tiffany.

She's nice. Never see many people talk about her. Definitely oozes more personality than a bunch of villagers in this game.
Off the top of my head... Kitt! I know kangaroos aren't very popular and there are also way too many cute normal villagers, but she's such a sweetheart and although I was never a fan of it, she really gives off this "sweet and caring mom" vibe with the little one by her side. :blush:
carmen is actually extremely adorable and i don’t really see people talk about her ever???

wart jr. is really cute too, tiny grumpy frog!

mira is also awesome, she exemplifies the uchi personality.
I second Mint and Tiffany. I love mint chocolate so automatically am drawn to Mint and Tiffany just oozes style and personality.

I feel Billy is quite under-appreciated. I really like the old man jock trope they've gone for with him and I feel because of that he gives off a different energy and vibe to the majority of the other jock villagers.
I knew of her, and am still debating whether to have her in my town or not! Definetely one of the better snooty villagers (besides Blaire, Whitney and Diana for me - I am so basic... you see where my indecisiveness is coming from.. can't have four snooties in my town :(((()!
She's super cute and sweet and she rocks every single outfit I gift her!
Alright an honorable mention is this cute little cow named Carrot! Unfortunately she never returned from Animal Forest, but at least we have other cute food-villagers!
I tHiNk ThAt raYmOnD iS vEry unKoWN
no hate towards Raymond

I actually think that Maddie is pretty unkown. Bea too!

Both are amazing!
I don't know how unknown they really are but I would say Raddle and Rasher. Rasher is a disaster, specifically his house, but he cracks me up constantly. And Raddle is just adorable.
My under-appreciated faves are: MOE!!! Cranston, Joey, Jeremiah, Cyd (where's the love for Cyd??), Bea, Freckles, and Prince!
My husband discovered Doc today, and he sounded so offended that he hadn’t known about him before. Apparently, he’s cute and interesting looking and not getting enough love. What do you all think?

Some of my underappreciated favorites are Leonardo, Drift, Keaton and especially Buzz. Most probably because his design is too plain. But for me, he looks like the crankiest of the eagles.