The game is repositioning objects on my island


Jul 12, 2020
Purple Balloon
Blue Balloon
Green Balloon
Red Balloon
Dreamy Party Popper
Light Blue Balloon
Orange Balloon
Blue Balloon
Green Balloon
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
In the last day or two I have been firing up my switch and getting on, and I am finding objects that are rotated or moved just a little bit. Wondering if this has something to do with the game needing to place Christmas objects near those places and so stuff shifts around or what. anybody else had this happen?
Uh, that sounds weird. Where is this located/happening?

Do you have any before and after screenshots?
Unless it's an interactive item a villager has messed with?

Mine are always leaving the garden faucets on. ^_^
I've never seen or heard of this happening. I've come across items turned on that I had off before, but that would be because a villager interacted with it.
I'm pretty sure villager don't mess with items. When I see them interact with one, like the garden faucet, they touch it twice in order to leave it as it was (as I decided how it should be ahah)

For items turned around it can only be done by real players