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The Harvest Moon Discussion Thread!


Mythical Queen
Dec 16, 2011
Throwback Tickets
Blue Feather
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
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As the Title states, This is a thread for discussing Harvest Moon.
Love it or hate it!
This series has seen play on alot of different systems.
Mainly on Nintendo gaming Systems though.
The spin off being a fighting/farming version called Rune Factory!
You may discussion Rune Factory as well in this thread but I will be making a Rune Factory thread so I'd prefer you disguss that game there.
Going through The Tale of Two Towns again. Couldn't resist and am probably going to marry Reina again.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful life is on my list for top favorite games. It's just so much more different than all of the others.
I don't even think Two Towns is released in Australia yet.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful life is on my list for top favorite games. It's just so much more different than all of the others.

That's probably my most favorite one. I put a tooooon of time into that game. Way more than I ever did with AC.

It isn't out for AU or EU. =/
I currently own Tale of Two Towns, Tree of Tranquility, and Animal Parade,

Rumors on the Natsume site say there is another Harvest Moon game in Japan title: Land of Origins

I am hoping they bring it to America.

According to a Natsume representative that game is a possible translation for America in the next 3 years!
I will allow 3DS friendcode swap in here.
If anyone has a 3DS friendcode and wants to add mine just post yours.
Oh okay. I tend to not see things directly in front of my face. lol

So do you have any info on the Land of Beginning? This is the first time I'm hearing about it.
Oh if you look on youtube you can find japanese videos of it.
Just search for: Harvest Moon Land of Origins

I've seen customization of character.
Skin tone, hair style, hair color, face style, eye color, and outfit options.
Oh if you look on youtube you can find japanese videos of it.
Just search for: Harvest Moon Land of Origins

I've seen customization of character.
Skin tone, hair style, hair color, face style, eye color, and outfit options.

Ohh wow! I checked it out. It has that Dark Cloud aspect to it with placing buildings, that's really cool. And character customization is always wanted. Looks amazing, especially for a 3DS game. Really hope it's translated and sold over here. The preorder figurine is okay, but I like my stuffed alpaca I got with ToTT a lot more. =3
Oh Bidoof's friend code is in the thread he mentioned as well as other people's friend codes.
Usually a good idea to PM people you add to make sure they add you.

Teeheeheehee, I normally add anyone interested in Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing.
I only made a Rune Factory thread because some people like that game alot.
Oh Bidoof's friend code is in the thread he mentioned as well as other people's friend codes.
Usually a good idea to PM people you add to make sure they add you.

Teeheeheehee, I normally add anyone interested in Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing.
I only made a Rune Factory thread because some people like that game alot.

I think I got the hang of it. lol
and yeah, this is the first time I'm getting to figure out the online stuff, but I'll add anyone who will play or do swapnote. I'll end up adding a lot more people when AC3DS comes out.
Well you know I'll be an AC3DS and Harvest Moon player.
Anyway, I hope you'll make tons of friends.
I'll always send swapnotes.
I'm always looking for an Excuse not to go to bed. LOL!
Wouldn't this technically belong in the Gamers' Lounge instead of Nintendo? :p Just because there were some titles released for the Playstation.

Anyways, my golden standard for Harvest Moon games is AWL. So then I compare them to either Magic Melody, Friends in Mineral Town, or AWL. If it's like the first two, chances are I won't be getting it. If it's anything like AWL, I'll check it out. It was just different than every other Harvest Moon game. It was more realistic (even for a GCN game, the graphics were beautiful), there were so many possible outcomes and events built into the game, every character had some back story to them. Some of that falls within every HM game, but this one just stood out to me. Then there was that white, fuzzy behemoth thing... :p
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