The "have you ever" game!

I have. Wait does Sea World count? At Mall of America? I've been there :3.

Have you ever punched someone?
Yes. Actually a lot. But not very hard. Only maybe 2 people I've legit punched, but only cause they told me to.

Have you ever been lost and had to call for help?
Yes. Many times! That's the best time to swim. No need to have sunscreen too! :3

Have you ever been stabbed,shot,ect?
Ow, no.

Have you ever wanted to talk to someone, but didn't?
that 's my entire life

Have you ever seen a goose married to a moose, down by the bay?

Okay But really have u ever punched someone
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No, but I've passed out from being too hot when I was sick.

Have you ever been on a plane?
I go on a plane about 3 times a year.

Have you ever snuck out of the house at night when your parents were home
No because I live in an apartment, and my mom sleeps in the living room :/

Have you ever fell on someone?
Um, maybe? My husband builds PCs and other jargon that I sort of understand. Mostly I just do what he says and electronic things happen to work.

Have you ever build an actual sand castle? I haven't.