The "have you ever" game!

Yes, but I never paid.

Have you ever woke up to your animal annoying you because they want out?
No, never.

Have you ever injured an animal? (Even if it was an accident)
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Yes...a raccoon once ran towards my car late at night while it was raining. Tom Nook is never going to let me forget...

Have you ever been in a car accident?
yes, i was on holiday an dad my dad crashed our rental car haha

have you ever cried in front of your crush?
Edit: AHHH YESSSS! technically it was my homework. I was writing an essay using the new office word and it someehow deleted a part of my conclusion when I was trying to print, so I had to half ass write it cause I couldn't remember the awesome phrasing I used to perfectly end it....;3; I'M SO BOTHERED BY IT.

Have you ever cooked a potato in the microwave and ate it with no additional ingredients?
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No, but that has happened to me with instant oatmeal. I forgot to put the milk, and I ended up with really hot oats lol.

Have you ever gone to hawaii?
Only when i was a baby
have you ever gotten bit by a dog?
yes but i was trying to give her a treat so it was bound to happen lol

Have you ever broken several dishes at a time?