The "have you ever" game!

I have... it tastes what you would think grass tastes like. Very earthy. Not especially appetizing.

Have you ever smoked before?

Have you ever gone to a roller skating rink?
(bonus points if you skated, bonus points if you just went and didn't skate) :)
been to an ice skating rink but not a roller skating one

have you ever been to a resort?
I sneaked in once and bathed in their pool but otherwise no!

Have you ever stepped on an anthill?

have you ever lied to get something you want?
Yes, a few times.

But I am not destined to be a thespian.

Have you ever painted a painting?
Yes. Many, many times.
And once the library lost a book after I returned it and wanted to make me pay for it and I had to fight them - they found it a year later :/ (I'll never forget...)

Have you ever used a telephone booth?
Yeah a few times.

Have you ever thrown something out of anger?