The "have you ever" game!

I'd say so yeah. For someone as short as I am it's hard to always match a doctor's "ideal weight".

Have you ever hit someone you weren't supposed to?
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Like by accident? Yeah many times LOL

Have you ever been out of the country?
Nowhere near as obsessed as my mum is lol, but sounds pretty good when I hear it from her room

Have you ever written your crush a love letter in grade school?

have you ever watched a movie at the theaters that was so bad and you never wanted to see it again?
yes of course a lot of games so many that I can't count them all

have you ever gave up on doing a boss fight in a game?
Many times, especially as a kid

Have you ever finished a loaf of bread in one day?
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if you mean a full bag of loaf then, no because that means I'm a pig if I ever did that

have you ever used hangouts on gmail?
rn I am with my sisters
Nah never been into hangouts, never clicked with me

Your go-to email site? (gmail, yahoo, etc)

You just go on your gmail and create a hang out but first of course you need to know someones else gmail first.
One thing I'm not very good at explaining on how to do things, its better for me to show you in person, but you know I can't. But yeah someone else can be better at how to guide you through on how to do hangouts.

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also only google gmail hangouts
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broccoli is the best and same with green beans just yummy

have you ever stayed up all night and never fell asleep
Yes. Longest was about 50 or so hours without sleep. Perks of insomnia. :p

Have you ever...caught them all on Pokemon?