The "have you ever" game!

not intentionally, but i have slipped into a pile while trying to pick up chestnuts

have u ever baked a cake?
Yes, almost 10 times I think.

Have you ever lost hours of progress in a game because you forgot to save?
Nope. I always remember to save. :)

Have you ever found a penny with the heads side up?
uh yeah.. don't everyone find the penny that way

have you ever found a 50$ dollar bill and never gave it back to its owner?
I've never found a $50 bill. I did find a $20 bill by the mailbox once. No one was around, so I pocketed it.

Have you ever woken up hungover?
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do you mean irl or just as an expression?

have you ever think that Labelle will win the voting thread.
It would be cool to get her as a collectable.

Have you ever been out camping?