The "have you ever" game!

Many times. One time recently actually-

Have you ever left the house and hours later panic because you can't remember if you locked the door or not?
Nope, making sure I have the door locked before I head out is usually my top priority.

Have you ever experienced a car accident?
Yeah, I was the passenger in a car and someone rammed into the back of us while looking at their phone years ago. Thankfully, no one got hurt.

Have you ever broken a bone?
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No, and I hope I don't for the next 5-8 years of school-

Have you ever impulsively bought something that you eventually needed months later?
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Nothing that i impulsively buy comes to mind, oops

have you ever tried painting?
as a kid, yes. recently, no but i'd love to if I had the time :)

Have you ever broke/lost something expensive?
I’ve broken technology items like phones and laptops way more times than I care to admit lol

Have you ever had a hangover?
Yes i have and im not ashamed to admit it.

have you ever tried learning another language?
I tried to learn Japanese, but it is hard (especially trying to speak it with my southeastern U.S. accent) and I had to stop because I had to focus on other classes for my degree (I was taking Japanese for fun, but classes that involved my major had to take priority unfortunately). :/

Have you ever accidentally fried an electronic device?
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I have, i accidentally fried an NES cause i plugged it in 220V socket, I was a child, and i was excited to play NES and i just plugged it in carelessly then umm... it popped, i never got to play with the NES, and i got a good scolding too :(

Have you ever bought something and regretted it?
Yes, many times! I've been to Argentina, Rio, Bali and Uruguay with my family.

Same Question?
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Yes, I’ve been to Canada and Mexico in the past.

Have you ever lived in another country other than your home country for an extended period of time?
No unfortunately. I would like to change that. Soon.

Have you ever woke up early in the morning upset at yourself for something you said or did years ago?
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