The "have you ever" game!

Nope, I take great care of plants.

Have you ever tripped off of some stairs and fell?
For the times an alarm was set on, I didn’t immediately get out of bed, but I never really slept through them. In short, I didn’t sleep through an alarm from what I can recall/remember.

Have you ever become tired of seeing promotions/sponsors of Raid: Shadow Legends?
YES. There was a time that ad was the only one I've gotten.

Have you ever restarted a game because you upset/hurt an NPC?

Is there a character who you're constantly on the edge of liking and hating at the same time?
Oddly no. I'm fairly decisive when I like/dislike someone, and rarely change my mind.

Have you ever tasted pet food? I've come across a surprising amount of people who have tasted the green/pink/orange dog bones.
my grandmother dared me to try one of my cat’s treats once, and i stupidly did it. it didn’t taste good lmao. 💀

have you ever won a trophy/medal for something?
I can't recall, but most likely not.

Have you ever spent an entire period just fooling around in the restroom? (Since you didn't want to go to the appointed class).