Giveaway The Holding Cell {Update 11/19}


🩵#1 Filbert Fan🩵
Sep 3, 2013
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Skull Glow Wand
Planet Glow Wand
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Snowflake Glow Wand
Pumpkin Glow Wand
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
100% (656) +
OPEN FOR HOLDING- Currently full until Roggyrichy takes Hamlet home.

OK guys. Copy number one of 2 has come in. This will be my "Holding" copy. I will be resetting a bunch today so I can try and get one or two of my own dream villagers. As soon as my 2nd copy comes in (prob tomorrow or Wed) I will be joining Tardis, Twilight Sparkle, Loki and PenguTango to make up our HUGE cycling thread. Thank you, all of you that helped me find my kids dreamies. YOU are the reason I am starting this service. You and the ones like Peren1974 that so graciously gave up Fauna while pengutango and I were begging to hold for Twi, just to find out nintendo wifi was down for maintenance. I ended up picking up fauna for her and getting her to her a few days later.

Here are the basics of The Holding Cell:

There are only 10 spots in a town, and I am going to use 5 of those to "hold" villagers for other people. The other 5 spots are reserved for me and the other 4 wonderful ladies in my cycling circle. (they have the choice to give their spots to someone else at any given time.) PLEASE to not bombard this thread with, LF villagers, because that is not what this thread is for. I have seen SO many cycling threads with the most fabulous people that just want to help others find their dreamies. Then, when someone comes up that some of us know a specific someone is looking for and they aren't online, its so so sad. In that case, if I am on, I can come pick them up and hold them in this holding town. Another scenario is if that person has been searching for someone for awhile, and ends up full when they get the chance to get them. IF and only if they have tried to get undesirables out for awhile to no avail, I can also come pick up their dreamie and hold them for them until they can open up a spot.

I do work, but I don't work that much. Here is my availability schedule: CST

Mon 9-4, 10-12
Tues 7-10, 3-4, 8-12
Wed 7-10, 3-4, 10-12
Thurs 9-4, 10-12
Fri 9-4
Sat 10-2
Sun 10-2, 10-12

I honestly would prefer requests to come in from a third party. For ex: Pretend Hazumi pm's me, hey I have Rocco and I know Pengutango would LUV to have him, but she isn't online, or I know she is full at the moment. Can you take him for her until she can come pick him up? I don't mind if its not third party, but I luv the idea of giving a gift to someone that is deserving, esp when it comes from someone else that lets me know. Please do not abuse this thread. If you have 5 dreamies, please remember that others are looking just as hard as you. I will only hold one at a time for you.

As soon as I get started I will list who I am am holding and for who. If they decide they no longer want them, then I will add them to our cycling thread. I will hold for upto 1-2 weeks. I will not hold the "Fab 4" unless under special circumstances for people I know well. You guys all know who you are as you have all helped me in the last few weeks. The fab 4 are Merengue, Julian, Ankah, Marshal.

The Town in which this will occur will either be called CellHole or InLimbo. Character Probably Warden, Guardian.
ALTHOUGH, I LUV the movie Legend of the Guardians so I may name it Ga'Hoole and character, Soren.

I went with ^ one btw : )

This is a free service and I am super excited to try and help you guys out. THANK YOU for being such a great group of people. You all choke me up with your generosity and I feel so very privileged to have been brought here meet you guys.

UPDATE: Ok, so here is a list of the villagers in Ga'Hoole, my holding town that are either here or have moved on-
Naomi(voided), Maple(moved on), Penelope, Aurora, Bunnie (staying), Kody (he just disappeared!!!), Phoebe (moved to my main town), Puck (holding for my son), Bluebear (accidentally voided), Gwen (TT accident from my son, keeping for him.), Hamlet (for Roggyrichy), Pinky (for my daughter), Broffina (move in with Chrononeko), Joey (for Rubyy), Boone, Kyle.

In OTHER towns: Working on getting Fang to FoxieVee's town, and Flurry to Kurolli's town. Also will eventually move Apple to my holding town for Ediwen.
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Awesome thing to do DaCoSim! That's what I am doing with my cycling town now. I been fostering a few dreamies until they can get picked up. If you ever need anything let me know...
Thx LadyScion! DANG! Just did my first town set up and wow. Naomi, Puck, Penelope, Aurora, and Penelope! Geez, I may keep it! What a FAB 5 to start out with!!! My daughter wants Naomi, my youngest wants Kody (or Bluebear) and Gavin wants puck! What an easy TT to get them out later! No Phoebe for me, and none of the top 4 but DANG, this is a GREAT startout!

I thought I was going to be resetting all day!
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Nice! I wanted to reset mine but holding to many dreamies for people right now... Plus I just got Merengue from the campsite! Not sure what I'm doing with her yet.
PLEASE read my first page. I am not cycling out of this town. This town is for HOLDING for others ONLY. My other copy should be in in the next couple of days that I will be cycling out of.

- - - Post Merge - - -

The villagers I have in the town now, I will be giving to my kids eventually. I do not have bluebear. My youngest wants either bluebear or Kody so I will be giving him to him. My other son wants Puck and my daughter wants Naomi so Getting this particular town worked out well as I will be able to move them into their towns and make room for more soon.
Thank goodness you're here, DaCoSim! ;) I've had a close encounter with people's dreamies a couple of times this week and it drove me crazy! I'm glad you're up and running and I will be keeping an eye on your times.

Question 1: could I as a suggester, request more than once (eg. you're already holding a dreamie I found for someone else) for you to hold a dreamie (for different people)? I will try to bother you as little as possible, but sometimes it really drives me nuts when I'm in the right place at the right time, and the other person isn't online!

Qn 2: Could I ask you to hold for someone not on TBT? I understand if this is a no, we don't want anyone abusing your system. Just wanted to know!
Yes to question one, and no to question 2. : ) No bother at all! I just mean by the one at a time thing since it takes awhile sometimes to tt someone out, it would be hard to hold onto 2 for the same person at one time. FOR now, I will only hold for tbt users : ) That may change later, but for now, it'll just be one here. Thank you so much for the kind words. I am SO happy to do this!

- - - Post Merge - - -

BTW guys, the only reason I am not starting holding today, is I would like to let my kids have their 3ds's back so I will be transferring a couple of the villagers they are holding for people to my new game that is if the ones I am holding for are not quite ready to pick up yet : )
Just so you all know. I do have one spot already reserved for Apple in the Holding Cell. As soon as she pings from my kiddos town, I will move her there for EdIwin3052, since he got me Bam and is not ready for her yet.
Ohey DaCoSim .. This isn't urgent by any means.. But if you happen to come across Tank in any of your cyclings, could you let me know? I'm gonna switch him for Sterling :)

This is such a great service :D
I'll keep that in mind, since I know you are always full. You know I'll keep my eyes peeled for ya!
I'll keep that in mind, since I know you are always full. You know I'll keep my eyes peeled for ya!

I'm trading Joey for Stitches soon :D .. Then I'm gonna work on getting Sterling out, then go on the hunt for that Rhino :D
Just a reminder to those I am already currently holding for in my kids's towns, I will be as quick as possible getting your guys to you. (with the exception of Apple, who I will take to my holding town.) Nymeri, I will keep working on Freya for you, Kuroli, I will keep working on Flurry for you, and I am also trying to get Lily and Chester out for other peeps. These are ALL villagers in my kids towns that they do not want. or Villagers that I picked up for people.
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I have a few villagers I don't want in my cycle town that need good homes :0 I don't get a lot of playing time so finding some of these villagers homes is hard sometimes. I have voided some awesome villagers and I would much rather see them get adopted. Great idea!

I did lose Beau on accident the other night, that made me :(