Giveaway The Holding Cell {Update 11/19}

DaCoSim, can you hold Tank in your town for Lady Loki? He is ready to move, but she won't be able to take him for a while. She needs to move someone out first, and is busy until the weekend, and I'd really love to start cycling again. Let me know!:)
DaCoSim, can you hold Tank in your town for Lady Loki? He is ready to move, but she won't be able to take him for a while. She needs to move someone out first, and is busy until the weekend, and I'd really love to start cycling again. Let me know!:)

if DaCoSim can't let me know and I'll do it for Loki I have some space
OK, so tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow, I WILL be getting Freya to her rightful home in Nymeri's town. Tomorrow, I WILL be getting Flurry to Kurroli!! Tomorrow, I will be getting Fang to FoxieVee. I will also try and get Kody to Charris114. Muffy is ready to go to her home to Watermelonpuff. I will also be transferring some of my kids dreamies from each others towns so they can get to the right place. (like Agent S from gavin's town to Moo's, and Roald and Puck from my holding town to Gavin.) Tomorrow is the day, that everyone will go to where they are supposed to go : ) I will start at 7:30 am, and go until the parent/teacher conference, and then from 10-5 and then if I don't finish then, I'll keep going once I get home from work. I also picked up Maple and will prob add her to the cycle thread if she pings to leave, but I will tell her to stay while I still have holding villagers for other people.
DaCoSim, can you hold Tank in your town for Lady Loki? He is ready to move, but she won't be able to take him for a while. She needs to move someone out first, and is busy until the weekend, and I'd really love to start cycling again. Let me know!:)

hey I PM'd you but not sure if I added the right FC, just let me know when you are ready
Ediwin, your apple will eventually be transferred to my holding town. She is in my sons town atm but she will eventually end up in the holding cell.