Mafia The Hunger Games Mafia - Game Thread - Endgame - Mafia + Survivor Win

not even an hour in and im confused...
FUN FACT: last game i didnt realize the game started intill an hour in
Waffles is censoring our discussion by delaying it through blatantly lying about the game start time. Scum motives all around :rolleyes:
hi everyone
someone else make RQ's
I don't want to mess up the RQ's or steal someone else's RQ's

What's your favorite alignment and why?
Maf, duh. I like being able to coordinate with a team, or conversely, throw them all under the bus and go solo
How many serious games have you played?
I honestly don't know, probably 60 or so at this point
How active are you planning on being?
VERY, until May 7th, when AP testing starts for me
Timezone/pronouns/any other useful information
My RQs without the questions.

Hi, I'm Farobi. He/him pronouns. My favorite alignment is town because playing mafia is so restrictive whereas town I feel more carefree of what I post. I've played probably over 20-30 games, and since I have tests coming up next week I'll be less active than my usual self.
What's your favorite alignment and why?
town cus i like to find the evil doers
How many serious games have you played?
How active will you be
Alot of activity from me even if its silly stuff
Timezone/pronouns/any other useful information
EST/Male/i like to draw to relive stress from the game
What's your favorite alignment and why?
town cus i like to find the evil doers
How many serious games have you played?
How active will you be
Alot of activity from me even if its silly stuff
Timezone/pronouns/any other useful information
EST/Male/i like to draw to relive stress from the game
What's your favorite alignment and why?
Mafia because I love lying. I rarely get pick for it though.
How many serious games have you played?
A few.
How active are you planning on being?
Not much, got plans. Will keep up with it though.
Timezone/pronouns/any other useful information.
EST, male, hunger games whistle
Ok ty Dolby
What's your favorite alignment and why TOWN
Serious games, I don't know, first game was in Late November, You can look back, would highly recommend the newbies to do so.
Active, I'll be on as much as I can. I'll be active af
EST/he/him/Yeah, I play badly, don't attack me too bad thanks
also i like the way u portrayed me in the stor vanessa :)
im not answering the rqs cuz (mostly) everyone already knows my answers to the questions
The game hasn't started yet lmfao

Definetely an early read, but I do kinda think that Waffles is scummy for criticizing us over posting before game start. As town, I view the natural reaction is to get as much time to get reads as possible. This being said, I also view Waffles v Farobi as a conflict that's going to arise between the two 90% of the time, maybe a bit less likely in the situation that they happen to be scum together