The "I learned something new today!" Thread

the other day i learned that you can press the soda button on the soda machines at work and it will dispense carbonated water... i have worked there for six months... yeah.

basically me.. like i found out just last week u can go take printer paper from the stacks over at audio books.. like might be first time i had to refill the refill stock but bruddur yes. been there for a year
Apparently taking pap smear test if you're having a sensitive cervix can trigger heat/dizzy effect.. weird.
This was actually yesterday, but I learned that in German the letter clusters St and Sp are only pronounced like "sch" if they occur at the beginning of a word, like in sp?t, stein, schule, etc. But if it occurs in the middle if a word, then they are pronounced normally, like in selbstverst?ndlich.

Idk how I'm just now learning this, considering I've been taking German since the end of August lol
I only just read that my childhood idol Kirk Douglas passed away last month aged 103.

RIP, Spartacus.
Raccoons eat cats.

It was shocking for me to know. I read an article that there's a region where people find dead cats on the ground that were torn badly, just head lying there at times. They used to think someone must be abusing cats, but lately it's found out those are what raccoons attacked and ate... which is horrific.
This was actually a few days ago, but I just learned about the easter egg in Super Mario 3D Land where, in World 1-3, if you look through the binoculars and point them up at the sky you can sometimes see a UFO fly by!

Apparently this is a well known easter egg, like the mysterious ghost in the World 4 ghost house, but I've literally never known that this was a thing until just a few days ago. I've owned this game since it was released nine years ago, idk how I'm just now finding this out lollll
Certain ducks have long.. things lol.

Also learning about reproduction within certain animals while bored at work lol
TIL that one of the vaccines thay my puppy still needs before I can bring him to my dorm as an ESA is the coronavirus vaccine.

I think that there are certain strands of the virus that only infect animals and not people, although there are a few strands that can be passed from animals to people. As well, animals can carry the virus without being infected.
I just found out that Charles Nelson Reilly, one of the celebrity contestants on the old Match Game shows (aka one of my favorite game shows) is the voice of the Dirty Bubble in Spongebob!
Idk if it's the same as human but if such u probs gotta wait a year.. but ya forcing stuff when things are already this..

Well I mean he's already gotten four of his vaccines, and he needs four more. Puppies should already have all of their vaccines by the time they're 6 months old. Humans getting vaccines is a different situation.
Well I mean he's already gotten four of his vaccines, and he needs four more. Puppies should already have all of their vaccines by the time they're 6 months old. Humans getting vaccines is a different situation.

Yeah but they shouldn't be so forcing with the situation.. ah well best of luck w/ it.
TIL that staying at home undefinitely isn't fun.