Senior Member
It's one of the reasons I started to grow so much of my own stuff and then freeze and or can it. It's a lot of work, but I save so much doing it.The reason for this is that the majority of junk food is mass produced from non-perishable ingredients, so they're cheaper and easier to produce than foods dependent on organic crop growth. It's awful for anyone on a low income. It's hard to take care of your health when you cannot afford to. It's also the reason why the way in which society perceives weight has changed over the past century. Did you know that up until around the 1900s, being overweight was considered a sign of wealth because it signalled that you could afford to eat your fill while being underweight indicated you could not afford to eat enough? It's bizarre how quickly and drastically things have changed.
I learned that the woods behind me was a dumping grounds for the old farmers from back in the day. I kind of already knew this, but I found another spot when I was in the woods. I was looking for rocks to finish my rock garden and came across the motherload. They were all just stacked so high, but covered in a few layers of dirt/leaves. I believe this is where the old farmers threw all of the stones that they tilled out of their massive fields 100 years ago.
Found some cool trash and old bottles that I've saved over the years. I have one elixir that says it cures gut-root or gut-rot. Never heard of the term until then.