Please read the rules more carefully.
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They are on no link at all of mine.
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Thanks for ordering, I will PM you when I have your order.
3ds name: Lucky*
mayor name: Lucky
town name: Star
order: one blue rose and the cardboard box
price: 60k?
I'm flexible with time, so whenever works for you.
Let it go~
3ds name: Charly
mayor name: Charly
town name: nilbog
order: flower set
price: I think it said 5k?
Let it go
And again I'm willing to help with designing stuff or pricing stuff, if you need it.
I sent a message out a few hours ago to deliver at 4pm but it's too late now :c
I can come pick up or it can be delivered to my town whenever works for you as long as you let me know first. Also I realize you're busy with orders and I'd like to help deliver if you'd like?
3ds name: Sydney ✩
Mayor name: Reese
Town name: Solaris
Order: Rococo series
Price: 40k
Let it go! :3
Sorry but the thread is only asking for an order, I've message you.
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Thanks for ordering, I will PM you when I have your order.
I'm currently in hospital so if you could pm me when my order is ready, I know you mentioned in regards to the rules however I inquired however no response. If you could PM me that would be very much appreciated as it takes me ages to type this out etc.
3DS name: Maddy
Mayor name: Maddie
Town name: Guernsey
Order: 8 blue violets
Price: 160k
let it go
Thanks for ordering, I will PM you when I have your order.Order form
3ds name: chubbah
Mayor name: chubbah
Town name: jumbly
Order: Warm Painting
Price: Let it go for 50k still?
3ds name: Rignelda
Mayor name: Rignelda
Town name: Moon
Order: 4 orange lilies, 6 pink cosmo's
Price: 200k
Let it go
3ds name: Molly
Mayor name: Molly
Town name: Datlof
Order: Minimalist Furniture
Price: 30k
Oh yh um time.. Can you do 6ppm GMT?