The Introductions to Beat All Others


Jul 21, 2011
Hello BTF. I'm Z. A budding coder and developer, as well as a lot of other things.

I've been playing Animal Crossing for oh.... 5 years now? Absolutely love the series. Got a 3DS specifically for AC3DS (aaaand LoZ) But yeah.

Just because I want to share here, I'm working on a friend code database that will make connecting with other gamers easier :D I'll make a post about it elsewhere a little later.

Just wanting to say HAY!
Welcome to The Bell Tree! I'm sure Jer is super eager to hear about this FC Database you're working on. :3
What programming language are you dabbling in for the database?

Welcome to TBT~
Currently the FC database is going to launch here in about 30 minutes to an hour. Just got home (had plans to launch it at midnight it's now 1ish)

The whole deal is PHP and mysql. It isn't very pretty but it is functional, which is the whole point of the beta. I have a forum set up ready for suggestions and help in the coding and making it all around better. I'm curious to know where I can post a link. Would a post be made, or should I just put it in my sig?
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