🐙 The Island of Reiki 🐙

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Ghost hunter
Jan 17, 2022
Tasty Cake
I'm in the process of building up my new island (restarted from scratch after almost a year of not playing)...hope to have more to talk about as I play!

Current Neighbors:
  1. Jeremiah
  2. Quinn
  3. Rhonda
  4. Sprinkle
  5. Teddy
  1. Cheri
  2. Bluebear
  3. Flurry
Maybe it's my ADHD but I have a very specific routine that I follow every time a new day starts on my island - does anyone else have a routine that they follow as well? This is what my day has been like so far:

  1. Make sure I have my tools and backups (since I hate when one breaks and I have to go all the way back across the island to get another one) and that I have plenty of space for gathering materials.
  2. Swing by the Resident Services building for my daily Miles and to order any specialty items or Nook Miles items that I want.
  3. Grab my shovel and hit all of the rocks, as well as digging up the fossils and finding the glowing bell spot so I can plant my 10k bell tree.
  4. Water all of the flowers (sometimes I do this while I'm running around with the shovel).
  5. Run to the museum, get my fossils checked and donate what I can, and then drop off what I've gathered so far at my house.
  6. Pull out my net and go to the trees so I can collect the furniture drops/bees and hives/bells. This is also when I chop down any trees that I want to relocate, or plant new trees.
  7. Swing by Nook's to see what the hot item of the day is. Make a few of them, depending on how much I can make, and sell those along with all of the stuff I have so far that I don't want (bees, hives, furniture/clothes that I don't want to keep).
  8. Grab enough out of the ADB to cover my clothes shopping and go to the Able Sisters shop. Check what they have and buy everything I don't have in every color, even if I don't like it, just so I can get it cataloged and done with.
  9. Go back home, pull all of the clothes out of storage that I bought but don't want to keep, and sell those at Nook's.
  10. By this point, I've probably finished a few of the daily Miles challenges, and I check my progress on the others and work on getting those done.
  11. Now I can relax.
I forgot how much work this game can be when you first get it started up each day! Another day in Reiki, I guess!
Today is National Hedgehog Day! I actually have a pet hedgehog named Reiki, just like my island (her full name is Quillizabeth Bader Reiki Sharp but I call her Reiki) :) I wish we could have villagers that look like our pets! For now, I'll just post a couple of adorable pics of her here to celebrate her special day of recognition ❤




So I got my new ACNH Switch today (I traded my old one in and upgraded as a reward for getting a new job) and after the amazing help of people in this community, I managed to transfer my island over to the new console without losing a thing! I've been working on getting my island up to 5 stars - I'm at 4 stars now and Isabelle keeps telling me to put furniture everywhere but I just can't bring myself to dump a bunch of stuff randomly until she's happy. ARGH so demanding! :)

In other news, I realized my island is starting to resemble my real life which is kind of cool. I stumbled upon Faith when I was doing a random island tour so she moved in, and Faith also happens to be my mom's name and my middle name. And I finally got Megan to move in which was REALLY important to me because my best friend Megan and I were obsessed with all of the AC games, and she passed away on July 18, 2020, so we never got to play together. The Megan villager in the game has kind of a similar personality to her though so it might sound crazy but I like that my little digital Andrea can still hang out with her on Reiki Island ❤️❤️

I also finished building all of the shops on Harv's Island which I really like, and I'm getting pretty far in designing vacation homes. Overall, I think the upgrade they pushed right before I started playing again made a HUGE difference because there's so much more to do.

I'm still in the process of building up my island and growing more hybrids and stuff, but for those of you who have spent a lot of time designing your islands, what inspired your design choices? How did you plan it out and get started? I'm always looking for ideas so bring them on!

Signing off!

Andrea :)
