The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I walk onto the main deck; enjoying the fresh breeze. Where do I go from here...? I hold my head in my hands; deep in thought.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( well Aria isn't a mind-reader :/ ))

(ik... Aria's ingrateful then...)
(( well, if you're that worked up about it, I can edit. :/ ))

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( I can't read characters minds. You have to tell me what they want. ))
I set to work on Scott, cleansing and bandaging his wounds.


I cover Scott with a blanket and begin tending to my own cuts.
I guess I'm not much of a help... I keep making things worse... Teamwork sucks. The boards of the ship creak as I slowly climb down. It's about time I cut loose from them anyways. I should've left when we arrived at this place.
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I just remembered. Is Itsuki still kidnapped? o-o ))

I loosely bandage my cuts.

.... Trying to bandage your own wounds is difficult.
(****... probably.)

(Btw, you can hear the ship creaking if you want. ;3 )
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(( Alright.
Everyone forgot about Itsuki. :rolleyes: ))

I frown when I hear the ship creak. "..... I should go check that out."

I follow the sound to the deck.
I walk along the boardwalk alone with my thoughts.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Cue the "you're better off without me" and the "no, you helped so much" XD )
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(( #Let's make this as clich? as possible :cool: ))

My eyes widen when I notice Faye. I run after her.

"..... Where the hell do you think you're going?"
"..... This isn't about Scott right now. He and I can get plenty of alone time later. Right now is about you."
"What about me? We're done. I quit the crew. I would've ended up hurting you all in the end..." I sigh. "Might as well leave before I do."
I pat her head. "..... That train of thought needs to end. You're part of our crew, don't think you can leave that easily." I smile at Faye.
"Aria, I'm a thief. I only joined your crew to steal and get off at the next stop. Then all that happened... It's best if I just leave now."
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