The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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My eyes widen and I slowly respond to the kiss. My eyes close.

... I love you.

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I open my eyes slowly.

Where am I? Oh— yes....

I sit up.

.... Where did the lady go?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I begin to moan before cutting it off.

.... Damn sensitive places...

A blush slowly creeps onto my face.

(( idfk ))
I open the door slowly and peer into the hallway.

.... Which way did she go....?

I glance at the door closest to me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I lightly grip Scott's hair as I deepen the kiss.

(( Don't worry she'll mention Holly soon ))
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I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

I jump back slightly at the sound, accidentally breaking the kiss.
I turn towards the doror.
"I'll get it.." I walk over to it and open the door.
"Hello? What do you need?"
"..... Do you know where Miss Aria went?"

I stand up and approach the door. "Akiko? Is something wrong?"

(( Is Scott going to have any inner monologue about the nightgown and how it clings to her in all the right ways? :rolleyes: ))
"She's right here." I turn around and look at her.
That nightgown really compliments her figure.
In all the right ways..
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"Are you alright...?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

".... Holly, yesterday..... she said something about killing you and your unborn child...."

I run my hands over my stomach. "..... Like I'll let her do that."

I bite my lip. "..... People like them.... they do not have morals. I advise you to be careful."

(( Setting this up so Scott can kill Holly later ;) ))
(( Yes Scott, she's planning to kill your lover and unborn child :rolleyes: ))

I bite my lip. "...... Yeah.... she threatened me yesterday. I was going to tell you.... I just didn't want you to panic..."
I reach up and touch his face. ".... Everything's going to be just fine, Scott." I smile softly.

.... Or at least I hope so....

I rest my other hand on my stomach.

"..... I suggest to check on Miss Faye. Her wounds may need to be rebandaged."
I take a deep breath and begin the story.

I tuck my hair behind my ear as I finish. "..... It was pretty crazy."

(( Is Scott panicking bc Aria might die
/Laf is confused ))
( Yep )
"Why am I never here to help.." I put my head in my hands.
"I want to protect you.."
I stare off into the distance. Mitchell will save me... he'll kill all of them... I know he will.

I sit down on the hospital bed; deep in thought. We really need to kill Holly... she's become too much of a problem...
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