The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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".... Alright." I slowly unlock her restraints before stepping a safe distance away.

- - - Post Merge - - -

".... Anything else?"
"Not really. Goodbye!~" I walk outside the room and onto the main deck. Soon, we'll be reunited, my love...

- - - Post Merge - - -

I watch the scene from the spot on my bed.
I follow her silently.

.... The hell is she up to...?

I watch the girl.

What is her name? Faye?
I follow after Aria.

Perfect weather for dying... I quickly walk over to the side of the ship and hoist myself over; my legs dangling.

(Imagine it's dark, gloomy, and very cloudy rn.)
I throw myself forward; enjoying the chilly air as I land in the frigid water.

I yell out as I watch her throw herself, "NOOOO!"
The strong waves carry me away as I fall into a deep sleep.

Before I even know it, tears spill violently down my face. I just found her again... and she's just... gone... so fast... why...? Why?!

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

The scent of the ocean.... crisp and clear....

A breeze blows past and I shiver slightly.

..... Such is life.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I turn around and see Faye.

"..... Faye...?"
I think I understand, but at the same time....

"..... You don't have to stop. I understand."

- - - Post Merge - - -


I move the man (( Scott )) back to his cabin.

I head back to the Medical Bay.

(( She kind of drops him on the bed and then leaves.))
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I bite my lip as my tears start up again.

All those times... All those memories... Even if she turned evil... She was always there... Most of the time... Now, she's gone... Forever...
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