I stand.
"Aria, please stay here. I can't..I don't want to see you hurt."
I walk out the door. Once I reach the deck I shout, "We are about to set sail! Get ready!"
"Well, if WE don't even know what she snitched about, it can't be too bad, huh?" I smile, then get up. I take a second to steady myself, then I walk over and crouch next to Faye. "She looks... unconscious." I put my hand on her neck and check for a pulse. "She's not dead, so that's good." It means I can get into it with her again later on!
"Oh. How was it? Maybe regretting choosing Scott over this bod?" I joke drunkenly. "Hm... I need more rum..." I get up shakily and prepare to leave the room.
"Mmm, I think I'm not drunk ENOUGH... I'm thinking about my OWN depressing past now, and I'd rather not. So I'll be off to the cellar so I can drink to forget." I say, peeved, and wrench my arm free from her grasp.