"So, Faye." I say, sipping my drink. "Whereabouts did you live in this t- GOOD GOD THAT'S POWERFUL STUFF!" I blink a few times. "Wow, man, remind me to tip you extra at the end of the night." I regain my composure and nod politely to the bartender.
I sip lightly at my drink; my eyes widening at the flavor. Wow... I never thought he would be a bartender... I remember he wanted to be a doctor... I wonder what happened...
"Sure." I turn around and quickly fill a glass with ice and water. I hand the glass to the man then look over at "Faye" again. "I'm waiting... are you or are you not Catherine?"
Noticing that Faye went silent, I speak up. "I don't know, I thiiiiiiiink she's Catherine, but she only ever wants to be called Faye, so I'm confused about this whole name-change thing she did, I'm not even sure if it was legal..."
I reply solemnly. "Oh... I see..." Guess she's changed... I say to the man, "Well, thank you for telling me." At least now, I can move on... she's safe... that's all I ever cared about after she left...
I glance at "Faye". "Do you go by Catherine anymore or are you just Faye now?" I ask a bit too coldly.
I bite my lip. "I... I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault..." I glance over as someone finishes their drink and waves at me. "I have to do my job now. I hope you have a good life." I walk over and help the person.