The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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".... Hi.." I give a small wave, my face red.

.... Why the hell is he barging into the bathroom?!

(( >Says he likes her romantically
>Doesn't know her name ))
".... Hi.." I give a small wave, my face red.

.... Why the hell is he barging into the bathroom?!

(( >Says he likes her romantically
>Doesn't know her name ))
(>Steve's RPing in a nutshell)

"Erm...sorry if I see, perverted. Didn't mean to do that. Bai." I shut the door. What the fu*k am I doing?!
"Well, there's really nothing. Do you want my pocket change? My booze? The ****ing clothes off my back?" I fold my arms and let out an exasperated sigh, staring at the ceiling.
"I don't know." I admit. "I don't know your likes or dislikes, and apparently that bartender is the only one who knows how to make you happy. He said so himself... kinda creepy."
I roll my eyes. "He was joking. Can't take a joke? Well, I want a nice drink and a fun day. Think you can handle that?"
"Well, I can definitely do the 'drink' part, but you're gonna have to help me out with what you consider 'fun'."
"Okay. I'll go get some drinks. Stay here." I dash out of the room and, rather than going to the cellar immediately, I run down to the dock and sprint toward the bar. I need to know what she likes. That guy better not have been lying... I almost trip over when I sprint by him at the dock.

"You!" I say. "You said you know how to make Faye happy. HOW?"
"Who's Fa- Oh, you mean Catherine, do you? Well, why do you care all of a sudden? I thought you two hated each other."
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