The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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"Now, where was that ship again?" Orion said to himself, walking along the dock - finally finding the ship he was interested in the day before. He boarded the ship - Holly and Mitch weren't there anymore - and went to the lower deck to find the Medical Bay.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I glance over at her and frown.


"What happened last night?" Aphrodite asked, paying no mind to her frown - but decided to take more of a serious tone.
(( ~Assume they did the name thing ~ ))

I smile. ".... That's Orion, one of the people I wanted to tell you about."

"Pleased to meet you," Orion said, his face blank as he shook Scott's hand. She decided to remain quiet after the introduction and left the talking to Aria.
I open the door. "....C'mon, let's get inside. We can talk there."

It'll be nice if Orion stayed, seems like everyone gets injured around here.
I close the door after everyone enters.

I bite my lip and glance at Faye. "How're you feeling?"
I bite my lip. "That's.... good....."

"Anyway," I motion to Orion. "As most of us now know, that's Orion. He's extremely skilled in the medical field, and is an amazing help."

I point to the man in the wheelchair. "I have no idea who this guy is, but he was hiding in the storage room."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I glance at Scott. "...."
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