The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I see a package wrapped up quite handsomely. Out of curiosity, I sit cross-legged and unwrap it, opening if after discarding the paper.
Seeing its contents, I fall backwards with a loud thump.
"Yeah, uh... I thought you were like, a pillow, or something." I hide my face, scanning the room for my bandanna which must've fell off in my sleep.
I get Faye's clothes from the deck (?) and lay then on the chair next to her bed.
Overcome with a sudden bout of nausea, I run outside.

I stare at the exit for a few minutes before resuming my work.

..... He must really care about her....
God, I feel like a ****ing idiot.
Y'know what?
I just need to move on.
"Yeah, uh... I thought you were like, a pillow, or something." I hide my face, scanning the room for my bandanna which must've fell off in my sleep.


I put my thumb and middle finger on my nose and squeeze.

"Just... get out."

I go to the furthest bed from him and lay down, dozing off facing the wall.

( gogogogogog )
I pretend to leave the room. Once she falls asleep, I laugh quietly, walking towards her bed. I lay down in it next to her, trying to be as quiet as possible.
The package slips off of my fallen body, and it's contents spill out. The note flutters to the ground.
I sit down in the chair.

"Hey.... everything's alright now...." I say softly.

.... You have Scott...
Why the hell am I so upset over a pirate?!
I shrug. "I guess... wait... what happened? I thought I was washing my clothes..."

(Aria sees her clothes now on the chair.)
I pretend to leave the room. Once she falls asleep, I laugh quietly, walking towards her bed. I lay down in it next to her, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I mumble in my sleep a bit.

"Hmm.. Ahmes, get... away from me with that..."

( :lemon: :rolleyes: :blush: )
I grab Faye's clothes and hand them to her. ".... No idea. Scott and Aphrodite ran in carrying you. You were unconscious."
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She mumbles in her sleep. Wait, what? Get away from her with "that"? Ohh... I start to laugh a little, then feel kind of awkward. I roll over, and look at the ground.
I grab Faye's clothes and hand them to her. ".... No idea. Scott and Aphrodite ran in carrying you. You were unconscious."

"Oh." I grab my clothes from her; not paying attention to the emphasis she put on Scott's name.

I slowly climb out of the bed and wear my now-dry clothes. I wrap my jacket tight against me; regaining the lost heat from when I took the blanket off.
I smile at Faye. ".... Why don't we go get some fresh air?"

I— I just need to clear my head.
..... I'm only here because this is better than becoming the eighth 'Mrs. Jarlent'. I have no need for love.
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I breathe deeply as I enter the deck. Just stay calm.....

(( She can't see Scott yet ))
I step onto the main deck and immediately throw up at the sight of tiny "cubes" that looked a lot like human flesh, bone, and skin...
She mumbles in her sleep. Wait, what? Get away from her with "that"? Ohh... I start to laugh a little, then feel kind of awkward. I roll over, and look at the ground.

I feel shifting. Don't tell me...

I turn over and see him again. "Don't ya ever quit, mate?!"
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