I get Faye's clothes from the deck (?) and lay then on the chair next to her bed.
Overcome with a sudden bout of nausea, I run outside.
"Yeah, uh... I thought you were like, a pillow, or something." I hide my face, scanning the room for my bandanna which must've fell off in my sleep.
I mumble incoherently in my sleep; starting to wake up.
I glance at Faye.
"..... How're you feeling...?"
.... I have no right to be upset about this, I know that.
I pretend to leave the room. Once she falls asleep, I laugh quietly, walking towards her bed. I lay down in it next to her, trying to be as quiet as possible.
I grab Faye's clothes and hand them to her. ".... No idea. Scott and Aphrodite ran in carrying you. You were unconscious."
I smile at Faye. ".... Why don't we go get some fresh air?"
I— I just need to clear my head.
She mumbles in her sleep. Wait, what? Get away from her with "that"? Ohh... I start to laugh a little, then feel kind of awkward. I roll over, and look at the ground.