The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I glance at Scott.

Nope. Not talking to him.

I walk to the other side of the ship and stare out at the sea.
I smirk at Holly.
"Want to mess with the runt?" I whisper. "You know the way."

Lost in my thoughts, I stare straight ahead.
I sigh.

.... Where the hell is Orion..? It's nice to have another doctor round here.
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Orion walked around the docks. Was there anything else he could do? Not really. He pondered this as he looked into the windows of the shops nearby. He looked at the beach - he was planning to meet an acquaintance of his at the beach. They weren't there, but he spied a familiar-looking figure seemingly deep in thought - it was the girl he had to nurse earlier. He walked over and tapped her shoulder.


"Where the hell is she!?"
Aphrodite - meanwhile - was being driven insane. She was worried - Faye wasn't anywhere to be found. This was the same thing that happened when she disappeared.. She ran around the deck to ask the other crew members about Faye.
Trying to regain my balance, I lean on Anne a little. "Sorry... I'm a bit of what those landlubbers call, "alcoholic." I call it "alive." I laugh.
I half smile.

"Now, that's the way to think."

Just wish these goddamn headaches didn't come after the great drinks.
"Sounds good." I smirk back. "Oh, that reminds me of something." I explain, in full detail, what I had done to the girl (Faye) and the package I sent to Scott. "Clever, right?" I wink.
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I lean over the railing and throw up, until I feel empty inside. "Ohhhh..." I groan. I sit down on the ground, clutching my head.
I decide to go out on deck and I spot Ahmes. I go over to him and awkwardly pat his back. "So... feelin' any better?"
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