The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I wake up suddenly, then remember what I came here for. Reaching into my pocket, I get down on one knee and prod Aria.

I tilt my head. "... Scott..?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I take a deep breath as we exit. "... That was fun." I mutter.
I nod before leaning down and pulling him into a hug.

"... Took you long enough..." I murmur.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"... Catherine, if you wish me to, I can kill her."
"... Alright then." I pull out my pistol. "No need to be quiet about this, I guess, I'll just cover it up later."

I turn back to the Diner. "Would you like to watch?"
I nod. "I'll be quick. You two wait here."

I open the door to the diner and head back inside.
"****..." I sigh as they walk off.

"And you..." I look over at Sonia. "You can **** off."
"Yeah, you are." I shake her off of my arm, hitting her in the stomach 'by accident'. "Oops," I say coldly.
I stand outside with Leon as I let my thoughts wander.

- - - Post Merge - - -

She glares at Antonio. "We are not a- ow. ****ing idiot." She knees Teddy's crotch.
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"... It's been nice knowing you," I purr.

I raise the gun and shoot. Perfect head shot, of course.
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