The Last Post Wins

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I know! The female actually produces the eggs into the male's pouch. The pouch serves as an incubator and the male fertilizes the eggs. Eventually, about 200 mini sea horses come springing out of the pouch.
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OMG. 3:28 - It's Katy Perry back when she was a gospel singer.

(BTW, I win)
Lol I actually just looked that up.

Did you know the mosquitoes that bite you are all female?
The male ones only take nectar
Yup, females are the smaller ones that you slap at all the time on those summer camp outs by the fire.
The males are quite larger and still tend to land on you despite not wanting your blood.
Did you know that cats have poison in their claws for the first 2 weeks of their lives? It's incase they need to protect themselves and their mother isn't there.
You can't win or lose since there can't be a last post unless everything ended. Which can indefinitely happen.
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